Feijóo says that if he puts Vox in the Government it will be because of the PSOE

Alberto Núñez Feijóo He tried this Monday to shake off any responsibility if Vox ends up being part of a coalition Executive with the PP. The leader of the popular said in an interview in Ser that it will be the responsibility of the PSOE if the ultra-right leaders enter the Government of Spain. According to Feijóo, the socialist party would “impose” it on him, because it could avoid it by abstaining from his investiture. He will do it if Pedro Sánchez wins the general elections on July 23, with the aim, he added, that the leader of the PSOE does not have to agree “with Podemos and the independentistas”.

The president of the PP did not rule out at any time the inclusion of ultra members in his Cabinet, although his wish, he repeated several times, is to have a monocolor government. “I want to rule alone and, to avoid these discussions or others, it would be good if there was a president who presides, who is not watching the vice presidents discuss one thing all day, how the ministers contradict him…”, he stated.

Feijóo had to answer several questions about the coalition government that has already closed the PP with Vox in the Valencian Community. The leader of the PP gave great value to the resignation of the head of the ultras in that autonomy, Carlos juberias flowers, for being convicted of sexist violence against his ex-wife. The popular ones demanded that he be separated (he will go to the Congress of Deputies the next legislature) in order to reach an agreement. In the interview, Feijóo downplayed the conviction. He recalled on two occasions that the sentence was imposed “20 years ago” and assured that Flores Juberías “had a rough divorce and involved verbal abuse” towards his ex-wife.

During the conversation, the head of the opposition insisted that he is calm in the fight against gender violence in the Valencian Community, because equality policies will be carried out by the PP and will not fall on “any council that Vox can hold”.

Approach in the Balearic Islands

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The interview came a few minutes after it was learned that the PP of the Balearic Islands has ceded the Presidency of Parliament to Voxwhile both parties continue negotiating the abstention that allows investing Marga Prohens President of the Government, reports Miquel Adrover. Feijóo did not clarify if Prohens is going to include members of Vox in his Cabinet. “I have heard that he wants to govern alone, a different matter is that it can be confirmed and crystallized…”, he pointed out. The Parliament table is constituted this Tuesday, just like in Extremadura.

The decalogue if it reaches Moncloa

In the morning, Feijóo went to the Nuevo Economía Fórum to give a speech with a discussion, although he hardly spoke about Vox because the moderator did not raise the matter with him. The Galician politician specified a decalogue of measures that he will apply in his first 100 days if you arrive at Moncloa. Among them, it stands out that of “reviewing one by one all the laws in which Bildu was decisive” during this legislature, to see if they are adapted to the Constitution; summon a Conference of Presidentsto analyze the distribution of the money Europeans, the politics of water and the financing autonomous; and recover the crime of sedition and reinforce that of embezzlement for corrupt politicians.
