Feijóo reinforces his alliance with Moreno in the leadership of the PP and leaves Ayuso without influence

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has added five names more to the leadership of the new PP with which he sends two messages: he places people he totally trusts (with Esteban Gonzalez Pons and Miguel Tellado in the institutional and organizational vice-secretaries) and continues to reinforce Juanma Moreno (by electing Juan Bravo, his ‘economic’ man on the Board).

Isabel Díaz Ayuso leaves no influence by not having any politician from its hard core. He only grants her the possibility of assuming a name, which the president’s team assures that she negotiated with Feijóo, which is that of the former mayor of Torrejón de Ardoz Pedro Rollan, which will be assumed by the regional and social deputy secretary. Despite Sol’s strategy, who does not want to raise his voice for now due to his low ascendancy in the new leadership, it is publicly known that Rollán is friend of the new leader of the PP. And the circumstance also occurs that the former mayor was vice president of Ángel Garrido, with whom Ayuso has a very bad relationship.

The fifth person, Carmen Navarresewith a fluid relationship with María Dolores de Cospedal, will assume the vice-secretaryship of social policies. Navarro is currently a deputy for Albacete.

Feijóo has explained that the three criteria that he has applied for his election have been that those selected have “broad organic trajectory”, “an accredited management capacity” and “experience in important challenges & rdquor ;. The new leader of the PP has announced the new leadership in his first speech before the party’s national executive committee, which met this morning in Seville.

These five people will join Cuca Gamarra, general secretary, and Elías bendodogeneral coordinator and advisor to the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, to lead the party in the electoral cycle that opens from the Andalusian elections this year.

Pons, Feijóo’s partner in battle and confidant, will occupy a vice-secretary’s position with a new label: “institutional.” He will continue to be an MEP in Brussels and will rely on him for international policy decisions, “which is now more important than ever”, the new president of the popular party has pointed out.

told, the current general secretary of the PP of Galicia has accompanied him in the last two absolute majorities in that community, Feijóo recalled. He wants me to support Bendodo in the day-to-day training with the territorial organization portfolio. His work will be capital before the municipal and regional elections of May 2023.

Bravo, current Minister of Finance of the Junta de Andalucía, will occupy the economic portfolio of the party. The president of the popular ones considers that Spain “needs to change and execute European funds efficiently and quickly.” His experience, he has said, in controlling Andalusia’s deficit and debt “after 40 years” of socialist governments, has been his main endorsement.

Monday, in Madrid

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Those elected, plus the spokespersons of the Congress, Senate and European Parliament (Gamarra, Javier Maroto and Dolors Montserrat), will meet again this Monday in Madrid, where they will hold their first management committee. For now, Feijóo has not wanted to modify the structure of these spokespersons, something that he will do in the coming weeks. It also has to reveal the date of the national board of directors (the most important body among congresses made up of more than 400 leaders) in which it will have to specify the date of the primaries in Madrid, so that Ayuso can attend and become, in all probability , in president of the party in that community. That desire was the epicenter of the earthquake that has ended Pablo Casado’s career at the head of the PP and has led to the urgent replacement by Feijóo. Married did not want to give her more power and, according to the Madrid woman, he dedicated himself to looking for dirty laundry to discredit her.

The conservative leader has announced that the next Thursday will meet with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, after the Wednesday be received in audience at the Palacio de la Zarzuela by King Felipe VI.
