Feijóo: “In an economic crisis not only the Government wears out, citizens and companies wear out”

09/27/2022 at 16:48


The leader of the PP explains in his conference at the Cercle d’Economia in Mallorca that, despite the five rejected anti-crisis proposals, “the Government will always have the PP as an ally”

Alberto Nunez Feijoo explained this Tuesday at the Cercle d’Economia de Mallorca the five proposals that the PP has put on the table of the Government of Pedro Sánchez as anti-crisis measures. The popular leader is currently participating in a colloquium lunch with the top staff of the popular Balearic Islands and members of the Cercle. “In an economic crisis, not only does the Government wear out, but also citizens, businesses, companies, SMEs”. With these words, Feijóo defended the proposals launched by his party and rejected by the Government. Despite this, he assured that “the Government will always have the PP as an ally in the State Pacts“. Feijóo, arrived accompanied by the president of the Balearic PP, Marga Prohens.

The president of the PP cited studies by experts from the Cercle d’Economia to recall that “we are the bottom in the economic recovery. We will try to recover the GDP of 2019 in 2023 or 2024. We chain three months with inflation with two digits and the highest in the last 40 years and this is not only a product of the war in Ukraine, it is a trend that is dragging on from the year 2020″. In this sense, he added that “we doubled the unemployment rate in Europe, a public debt of one trillion euros, which means that every day this debt increases by 213 million”. “A Spaniard suffers from the debt of his town hall, his council, his autonomous community and the State. Our generation will not be able to afford it. Being progressive is not living off your children, leaving a debt for your descendants to pay.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has summarized his anti-crisis proposals in the tax simplification of eight taxes Y extend the descent VAT electricity and gas throughout the winter. “The Government in May said that inflation had reached its ceiling. However, sunflower oil rose 100%, pasta 30% and chicken and bread 20%. And they will continue to rise. Inflation has two effects: loss of homes and increased State revenue. It is not reasonable to pay more taxes to buy the same thing,” said the popular leader, recalling that “many families can no longer take it anymore and it is that with the shopping basket they have lost 20% of their purchasing power.

In this regard, he has indicated that the proposal of the PP raises reduce VAT on basic products and he recalled the extra collection of 1,000 million with inflation: “We intend not to burden families and small producers with the cost of the crisis”.

Regarding the tax cut, I consider it “undignified to stigmatize and divide society into rich and poor, since in the PP we want there to be no poor and we propose a discount of personal income tax income of less than 40,000 eurosbut what the Government wants is for there to be no rich people.” In relation to the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, he indicated that he is a “president with conditional freedom for the minorities that support him in Parliament.”

The PP communities

During his speech, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has defended that the five communities governed by the PP lower the Patrimony tax: “Lowering tax supposes for families to have more purchasing power and generates greater consumption. The five communities governed by the PP have the fiscal autonomy to lower their taxes. There is no proposal for rebellion or breaking up the State, in the Constitution and statutes of autonomy they contemplate this”. He has also stated that the “Government has dusted off centralism to question a tax cut and the PSOE knows that lowering taxes would be breaking government”.
