Feijóo deactivates Ayuso’s national profile and settles the Madrid crisis

05/14/2022 at 09:11


“I help she is calm because she knows she has all the power in the PP from Madrid and the artificial problems are over. and feijoo has the ability to fill the leader slot of the opposition without internal shadows, something that did not happen before with the president & rdquor ;. This reflection collected by El Periódico de España coincides within the Madrid party and at the national headquarters in Genoa.

The arrival of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has ended with a stroke of the pen the crisis that shook all the foundations of the formation and took Pablo Casado ahead. No more public confrontations, no constant pulses, no internal competitions for setting a national profile. The president of the Community has once again focused on regional management and next week she will take over the reins of the Madrid party, whose congress is held on May 20 and 21.

If the Galician leader was clear about one thing, it is that the first organizational decision he would take as national president would be to put date to the conclave that provoked so many disputes in the past and that Casado’s leadership refused to fix to plug Ayuso’s power. The gesture could not be more symbolic or more effective. In a month and a half, the dissonances within the PP can be counted on the fingers of one hand and are limited, above all, to the mistrust that the Madrilenian feels when approaching positions with the PSOE.

It is not a profile that bothers Feijóo. Quite the contrary. The distribution of roles is more than evident and the strategy of the already former president of the Xunta de Galicia, which goes through a State opposition reaching out to the Government (with a solid economic proposal and a new international policy offer, there will also be another on the CGPJ when the Andalusian elections are over) is complemented by the harsh speech of the Madrid president.

Feijóo still thinks that Ayuso is the main electoral asset of the PP and, for this reason, they recognize in Genoa that the Madrilenian will have a free hand in everything that happens within the Community of Madrid, just as her contributions in all campaigns serve and will continue to serve to curb the claims of vox to eat part of the popular electorate.

“Without Ayuso it would be impossible to win in Spain & rdquor ;, recognize in the hard core of Feijóo. An assessment that perfectly sums up what the Galician has in mind: widen the PPfrom what Ayuso represents to what more moderate leaders like Juanma Moreno Bonilla in Andalusia are asking for in order to achieve, as the Madrilenian did before, a sufficient majority to cut off Santiago Abascal’s party.

Precisely, the priority objective of the popular in the face of the 19-J appointment is not having to reissue a coalition executive with the ultras and that Castilla y León is, at least for now, a circumstantial pact. Feijóo will not get involved in Moreno Bonilla’s campaign nor does he intend to give any indication in line with what he asked Casado (and before other national leaders) when he was president of the Xunta.

The Galician leader is convinced of the political autonomy of the territories and that the real knowledge of each community resides in its own leaders. Genoa will support the Andalusian campaign, as in future regional events such as the one in Madrid, but will not seek to protect any of them.

In fact, in the environment of Feijóo they have nailed as a turning point of the internal crisis the 4-M campaign that emphatically boosted Ayuso in Madrid. The interference of the national leadership was constant, and the organization of the closing rally and of the electoral night itself (with the controversy of whether or not there should be a balcony in Genoa and whether they should pose with President Casado and Teodoro García Egea, in addition to of other leaders of the Madrid PP) unleashed more problems than they could imagine.

If the current president is clear about one thing, it is that will not make mistakes of the past and, above all, will not feed artificial controversies that only lead to internal confrontations. Hence, the distribution of roles with Ayuso and the guarantee that she will be able to do and undo in Madrid is a maxim. It also helps, different sources acknowledge, the relationship of mutual respect that both have and also Feijóo with key people around the president, such as her chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, with whom the previous leadership blew up all the bridges.

Less national presence

The “tranquility & rdquor; that they appreciate within the PP, also in Madrid, has a lot to do with the lower national presence that has been appreciating in the Madrid leader for weeks, coinciding with the landing of Feijóo. That the president of the Community will maintain her own profile is not in doubt, but the direct confrontation that for months has lived with the Government (and not only as a result of the management of the pandemic) has decreased significantly.

In educational matters or in the management of the reception of Ukrainian migrants, these have been two of the points in which Ayuso has collided with the Executive again, but in the PP everyone agrees that Feijóo “fills the space of leader of the opposition & rdquor; and that for the first time in a long time there is no doubt about the solidity of the leadership. “Ayuso is Ayuso and that is not going to change. But nobody thinks that it makes him a national shadow to the president and that was recurrent before & rdquor ;, settle deputies and leaders of all levels.
