Feijóo, between the agreements with Vox and the test of Andalusia

04/12/2022 at 07:28


Neither the electoral advance nor 13-F was conceived with him at the head of the PP, but the first coalition government with Vox has arrived with Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the presidency. Alfonso Fernández Mañueco is officially the first popular leader with a vice president and three councilors from Santiago Abascal’s party and promises that it will be a “stable government for the next four years.” The thesis that continues to be handled in Genoa is that recovering the times of large majorities is possible and that the still Galician president will work for win back lost voters to no longer depend on the ultra party.

Even so, the general coordinator of the party, Elías Bendodo, acknowledged this Monday after the second meeting of the steering committee that they will analyze “situation by situation” as the electoral appointments arrive. The next litmus test will be Andalusia. Waiting for the advance election to be confirmed (everything points, now clearly, to elections in June that Juanma Moreno Bonilla would call after Easter, despite the internal debate that continues in his government about whether it is good idea to advance them or not), the current polls suggest that the PP will need the ultras to govern despite the push of Moreno Bonilla after this legislature.

The aspiration continues to be that of a solo government, but Abascal’s party is determined to fully enter the management. Castilla y León will be the first of many, as the national leader himself made clear, that yesterday, unlike the PP, he did go to Valladolid for the investiture debate. He filled the space that the popular ones left freeand that they do intend to occupy in the inauguration next week. Isabel Diaz Ayuso He has already confirmed his attendance, waiting for Feijóo and the rest of the leadership to adjust their agenda.

Abascal himself assured that the Castilian-Leon pact is seen by many citizens “with hope & rdquor; and he predicted that could have a replica in the future government of Spain. Question on which the PP does not pronounce itself, but to which Bendodo did not close the door either in his appearance in Genoa. “We will see situation by situation & rdquor ;, he settled, without stopping repeating that the vocation of his formation will always be” to build majorities & rdquor; without other parties next to it.

The Madrid Congress

Test the discomfort that the first pact with Vox is representing within the conservative ranks was that at the same time that Mañueco finished his speech as a candidate in the Cortes, the national leadership revealed the date of the PP congress in Madrid. One of the issues of greatest internal relevance, taking into account that the previous leadership of Pablo Casado fell due to his open confrontation with Ayuso (and his refusal to convene the congress so that the regional president took over the reins of the party in Madrid). The conclave will be on May 20 and 21 and the Madrid president will end the month, as she wanted, as she is also the leader of the PP in her community.

As this newspaper published, Ayuso plans a ‘political may’ to vindicate his electoral victory last year, which has had so many consequences for Spanish politics. The month will begin with the celebration of Community Day (May 2), an act that will honor 4-M, San Isidro, and the climax of the regional congress.

Despite the fact that the Madrilenian and Feijóo have completely different political profiles in many areas, the cracks, at least for now, have not surfaced. In fact, the national president repeats on every occasion that the president is “the main asset & rdquor; of the party and has defended at all times his “legitimate desire & rdquor; to preside over the Madrid PP. An opposite strategy to the one followed by Casado and García Egea for months. Nor has the Madrid woman faced the new leader, although there have been messages. The most significant is the insistence on marking total distance to possible understandings with the PSOE.

Feijóo met last Thursday with Pedro Sánchez in Moncloa. The meeting, which the two defined as “cordial & rdquor; although with important nuances, it did serve to resume the conversations on the General Council of the Judiciary and open the way for an understanding on State affairs. Not even 24 hours later, Ayuso made it clear that it is always bad for the PP to approach the socialists and, on the other hand, he did not show no complex when it comes to showing harmony with Vox. She is the first important leader who has modified her agenda to be able to be with Mañueco next Tuesday at his inauguration as president after signing his government pact with the ultras.
