Feijoo asks to “unlock the collapse situation” in the PP and open a “new stage”

02/22/2022 at 15:09


The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has demanded this Tuesday “changes” within the People’s Party and open a “new stage” that allows “unblocking” the current “situation of collapse” that it is going through.

In a ceremony held in Pontevedra, Núñez Feijóo announced that he will attend the meeting called tomorrow by the still national president of the popular party, Pablo Casado, with the aim of “unlock the collapse situation in which the party finds itself” and to send a message of “tranquility, seriousness and optimism” and “consolidation in alternation”.

“We need changes, new stages, new horizons and for that we need to incorporate agents that can ensure these new horizons with determination“, Feijóo pointed out. On whether these new paths should be taken without Casado, the Galician president pointed out that “we must give a voice to the party and to the people, not to the leaders, but to the people who stop us in the street. The party has to decide the future of the party and it is clear that we cannot continue like this.”

Feijóo was also asked if the party barons have asked him to think about Madrid. In this sense, he has alluded to the “responsibility rise to the occasion” insisting that “we are all responsible for the situation and we have to make decisions, including me. We will make decisions based on what the party asks of each one.”
