Feijóo already speaks of an absolute majority and looks at the PNV to avoid Vox

Optimism has already been displaced by euphoria. Alberto Núñez Feijóo He takes one more step a week before the general elections and is confident that, in the remaining days of the campaign, the popular will manage to add a sufficient number of seats to leave Vox out of the equation. That is why he already looks at the smaller groups, the PNV, the Canary Islands Coalition and some others, as he himself explained in an informal conversation with journalists on a bus. between Logrono and Pamplona. Despite the fact that the polls continue to place the PP in a range that does not exceed 155 seats, the conservative leader You can already see the 168 deputies.

“That majority is difficult, but not impossible. Let’s not set limits & rdquor;

Alberto Núñez Feijóo

PP leader

The final week is crucial and the examples to follow are Juanma Moreno, President of the Junta de Andalucía, and Isabel Diaz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid. Both have managed to corner Vox in their territories and reach absolute majorities. Feijóo recalled this Saturday that he lived the Andalusian campaign on the street and in the first week no one could expect a victory like this for Moreno and in the second the news arrived. Talking about an absolute majority at the national level, he acknowledges, they are big words. But exceeding 160 deputies and approaching those 168 would place him in a solo governance scenario. What has become clear, in full struggle with Vox this campaign to convince the right-wing electorate, is that the conservative will exhaust all avenues to have a solo government and not have to include the extreme right in his future Council of Ministers .

He GNP it has always been a fundamental force in Congress. In recent weeks, its leaders keep repeating that the PP has transferred a “red line” with its alliances with Vox in some autonomies and a hundred municipalities. However, the popular leader considers that the map left by 23J (with a large majority of the PP) can turn the situation around. The popular ones also see the evolution of EH Bildu as determining and the possibility that it surpasses or equals the nationalists led by Andoni Ortuzar in deputies. Feijóo trusts that the pragmatism that so characterizes the PNV.

The conservative leader says that if his party comes second in Catalonia it will be because citizens are returning to adult politics

There is a turning point at the end of this first week of the campaign. Feijóo won integers after head-to-head with the President of the Government. And, from that moment, the wind pushes in favor of the PP. In fact, on Saturday morning he already spoke very clearly at the rally in logrononext to Cuca Gamarra, general secretary. “That majority is difficult, but not impossible. Let’s not set limits & rdquor ;, she harangued her own. Adding twenty seats in the coming days in the medium-sized provinces may mean exceeding an unthinkable number of seats until recently.

The head of the opposition believes that Pedro Sánchez is holding up in the polls at the expense of Yolanda Díaz (Sumar), something that he sees with surprise considering, he said sarcastically, that along the way the leader of the PSOE has achieved disarticulate Can. He also highlighted that the socialist party will be the party with the most votes in Catalonia, one of the few granaries that the polls keep for Sánchez. Feijóo’s internal polls give the PP as the second most voted force in that community, ahead even of ERC and Junts, something that he does not quite believe. If these polls are finally met, he believes that it will be showing that the Catalans are returning to adult politics. He sees a sociological turn that he attributed to high taxation and squatting, without any reference to the policy of dialogue practiced by Sánchez. The Catalans are realizing, he explained, that Andalusia and Madrid are growing more than they have in the last 15 years and they are beginning to react.

Without names

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Speaking about his future government if he reaches Moncloa, Feijóo reiterated that he is clear some names of your possible Government, although he has not consulted with those affected. He doesn’t even know his shirt collar, he teased himself. He believes it hasty to specify that team without having won the elections. He also did not want to clarify who can carry out the transfer of powers, a process that is feared could be complicated if Sánchez maintains the paucity of which he complains about the rotating presidency of the European Union.

He went on to say that he hopes to have a vice president (He did not give more clues than he already told in his day, that he has never governed in Spain, excluding former ministers) and a Minister of Economy who is not from the orbit of the PP. Feijóo also assured that he has a shortlist for the position of Foreign Minister and a name for the of Justicea department that will be key to face the pending reforms such as the General Council of the Judiciary, and that Equality will depend on the Presidency at an organic level.
