Feijóo abandons the mantra of the most voted list and assumes that the one who manages to reach an agreement reaches the Moncloa

Alberto Nunez Feijóo proposed to Pedro Sanchez before July general election that they reach an agreement among themselves so that the one who gets the most votes at the polls would govern. The PSOE candidate, with a very damaged image and terrible expectations, knew that it was impossible for him to be the winner in the ballots and did not give in. He wasn’t wrong. Feijóo won the elections with 137 seats and Sánchez obtained only 122 but, thanks to the post-election pacts and building a parliamentary majority with independentists and nationalists, he has been able to be sworn in as Prime Minister again.

The leader of the PP has repeated in almost every public intervention since July 23 that he has won the elections, sometimes disdaining Sánchez’s negotiations to form a sufficient alliance to continue in Moncloa. Feijóo He tried it with the PNV, but the Basque nationalists refused to participate in a sum that obligatorily included the understanding with the far-right Vox. In fact, the leader of the Popular Party even wanted to push all his possibilities and attended an investiture session at the end of September, although he knew it was going to be unsuccessful. This Tuesday, however, in an interview on Telecinco, he showed that he has already overcome the mantra of defending that the most voted list must be allowed to govern and declared: “You have to be a democrat and we must accept that this is a parliamentary system and that the fact of winning the elections does not automatically mean that you are president of the Government.

Feijóo recalled that, the first of the four times he won with an absolute majority in Galicia, he obtained 39 seats (the majority was at 38). “If I didn’t get 39 and had gotten 38, I would not have been president of the Xunta and my political career would have been absolutely different,” he explained.

He is not going to “whitewash” Sánchez

In the interview, he was asked if he is going to go to the meeting that Sánchez has proposed to him. The Moncloa gave three dates (the 18th, 22nd and 29th of this month), but the popular demand that they receive the “written order” before specifying when the meeting will take place. “I am willing to attend the meeting with Sánchez, but not to whitewash him. I’ve asked you to tell me the issues,” she said.

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The PP barons with the most political weight, presidents Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Madrid) and Juama Moreno (Andalusia), consider that it is not a good time for this face to face after the head of the Executive has promoted the amnesty law of the ‘procés’ to gain the support of the Catalan independentists and days after it was known that the PSOE will support the motion of censure against the Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN) in the mayor’s office of Pamplona. Privately, the majority of conservative regional leaders assume that such a meeting must be postponed until January.

Tributes to ETA members

Feijóo also wanted to remember that his party, as he already stressed in the electoral campaign, is going to lead to Congress of Deputies that tributes to ETA members be prohibited, the possibility of pardoning them and that those convicted of blood crimes can be included in electoral lists, as happened in the last municipal elections with EH Bildu.
