Feet, the curative pedicure at the end of summer

during the summer the feet are one of the parts that are most affected by stress and small traumas: sandals and open shoes, sand and salt mar the extremities. The result? At the end of the holiday, the skin is particularly dry, tends to crack, is thickened and very dry. In other words, one is needed healing pedicure. The most immediate solution? Abundant pasts or packs of moisturizing cream.

Feet, the late summer remise en forme

It’s not just a matter of polish. «Continuous exposure to the air thanks to open shoes dries the skin of the feet very much, causing calluses to appear but also widespread cracking especially on the heels. Everything is then fed by the salt and sand which dry further» he replies Beatrice D’Uffizi, Director The Nails Bar Milan.

«In fact, sea water is very good for the body but not for the feet, which already naturally tend to be rougher. Furthermore also walking on hot sand or using open and flat shoes every day can make the situation worse».

Result? Skin thickened, cracked and full of cracks and fissures due to dryness. Due to the heat also occurs a sort of burn of the most superficial skin that should be removed through a curative pedicure».

The curative pedicure with footbath and scrub

The ideal would be to take care of your feet even on vacation: the moisturizing cream to spread at the end of the day is essential to prevent unsightly dryness.

But, if you haven’t played in advance, you can always run for cover after your holiday: «The healing pedicure works with a light exfoliation of the stratum corneum to restore its damaged functions alone, warm, open shoes or on the contrary, for those who go to the mountains, boots and long walks. For this reason it should also be done already on vacationespecially if many walks are planned».

How to moisturize the body in the summer: instructions for use

The first fundamental step is the footbath: let your feet soak in warm water and baking soda. volendo, you can also add a few drops of lavender oil. For 15-20 minutes, it helps to not only relax the extremities but also soften the skin.

Next step is the scrub: choose formulations with pumice stone grains which help to completely eliminate all dryness. Yes to boosters in formulas such as mint, which helps refresh the skin and to akeratolytic peopletypical ingredients of foot scrubs which, if left on, completely exfoliate hardened skin.

“The scrub should be done every weeknot only during the year but especially in the summer when even in the city you wear sandals and open shoes that damage and weaken the skin.

The foot mask, the secret to perfect ends

It is not a mandatory step but particularly recommended. After the footbath and scrub, third stepggio is the foot mask. The most practical are the sock ones: soaked in highly moisturizing ingredients, the ends are inserted and left on for up to 20 minutes. While relaxing.

The lovers instead of do it yourself, dot on sesame oil. A spoon combined with five drops of mint essential oil is enough: massage it insisting above all on the heels and on all the dry areas such as the edges and sides of the big toes, e.g.I also leave it on all night. So it’s better to do it before going to bed and put on some socks afterwards. In the morning the skin will be perfumed thanks to the mint but above all nourished thanks to the sesame oil.

Alternative, pure shea butter. Always apply before going to sleep, massage and leave it to act all evening; before going to bed, they rinse their feet to remove residue with warm water and mild soap.

The moisturizing cream, multitasking step for the feet

As the expert explains, foot moisturizer is multitasking: it can in fact be spread until completely absorbed as a final step, or in cases of real skin dryness it can also be used for a compress, applying abundantly and leaving it on all night. The important thing is to massage it with circular movements, to be carried out also under the soles of the feet and up to the ankles, so as to stimulate local circulation.

Is cream or oil better? As for the body, the difference between cream and oil for the feet is in the real need of the skin: the cream is a passe-partout, it is more practical because it is non-greasy and above all it has a moisturizing but also nourishing action. Oil, on the other hand, tends to be nourishing but less hydrating, so usually after absorbing it you can also apply the cream. If you want to apply both, for convenience you can combine a drop of oil with a nut of moisturizer.

