Fedez: “I have a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas”

D.after days of silence, Fedez back on social networks. AND reveal what the health problem is he told followers about a week ago: pancreatic cancer. With a roundup of images from the hospital San Raffaele of Milan where he is still hospitalized, the rapper tells everything and thanks for the “messages of support and positivity that you have sent me ».

Fedez reveals he has pancreatic cancer

Last week I found out that I have a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas. One of those who, if you don’t get them in time, is not a nice cohabitant to have inside your body ». Here are the first words of Fedez after the announcement of the disease.

The six-hour intervention at the San Raffaele

I had to undergo a 6-hour surgery to remove part of my pancreas (including cancer)Added the singer. Showing followers the scar and images of the surgery immediately.


(Instagram photo @fedez)

After all, just when he announced his health problem, he said that he would share his experience so that it can be of use to those who are experiencing the same situation as him.

Chiara Ferragni always at his side

Among the shared images, those with his wife Chiara Ferragni, next to him in the hospital.

Fedez-InstagramAnd then, again, hand in hand. “By my side day and night,” said the first singer of the hospitalization.

Two days after the surgery, I’m fine and can’t wait to go home to my children. It will take a whileAdded Fedez. Who, after thanking all the medical staff, he greeted the fans by simply signing Federico.

