Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta got married

M.arito and wife. Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta got married. The most anticipated wedding of the year was celebrated on the afternoon of August 27th in the church of San Zaccaria in Venice. In a dream atmosphere, as expected.

Federica Pellegrini, the portrait of the Divine close to marriage

Federica Pellegrini and Matteo Giunta are married today

The bride wore a smooth dress with floral accents on the veil. Loose hair and large decorative flower on the side of her head. She arrived a little late at the church near Piazza San Marco, accompanied by five bridesmaids in pink dress. Here, waiting for her, was her father Roberto who accompanied her along the aisle decorated with lots of white flowers. Federica Pellegrini, therefore, crowned her dream of love for her: she married her former coach. The two have promised each other eternal love by exchangingDamiani wedding rings. There religious ceremony was heavily armored and it was officiated by Don Antonio Genovese, former parish priest of Spinea.

Smiling and excited

Among the first to share the images of the bride on social networks was Enzo Miccio. His signature behind the Divina’s wedding is his. “Here she is, smiling and excited. Really DIVINE… Faith you are beautiful, it was nice to be next to you »wrote the wedding planner. Which for the former swimmer has developed a truly unforgettable event.

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The reception and the wedding night

According to reports from the news agency Handleafter the religious ceremony the couple moved to the JW Marriott Venice Resort of the Isola delle Rose, in the middle of the lagoon. Here they will celebrate with lots of dinner with 160 guests. Then husband and wife will spend their wedding night atHotel Danieli, the same one where her former coach asked her for her hand. There could not have been a more romantic location. It’s all true, Federica Pellegrini got married: call her Mrs. Giunta.

