Federciclismo case: the 106 thousand euros and more, all the stages of the story

The inconsistencies in the minutes of June 18 convinced Federal Vice President Gimondi to raise the case and resign

The sun of the results of the National team – especially at the youth level – that warm up the last days of August, has as its counterpart the gray of the federal events. What happened on Saturday (federal council suspended because a website was broadcasting the interventions of the meeting almost live ..) represents the latest chapter in a series of “misunderstandings” that began in June and continued until two days ago. A suspension that therefore did not allow to reach a conclusion on the “commission case”, the 106 thousand euros that were addressed to the Irish company “Reiwa Management Limited”.

The story

The suspension did not, however, avoid the choice of vice president Norma Gimondi to resign. An act formalized yesterday. A void that can only be replaced by another woman in compliance with the pink quotas (at least one third of the members of the Council). The situation got out of hand in early August. On the 4th the Federation sends to the councilors the minutes to be approved by the Council of June 18th. Surprisingly, point 3.6 jumps out in the sixteen pages: “delegating the president to sign the business procurement agreement between the Federation and the Reiwa company, determining a commission of 106 thousand euros for contracts”.


Vice president Norma Gimondi responds to this “forcing” and asks for explanations on the matter. Everything is frozen in the Council on August 6 and placed on the agenda on Saturday. The case, however, explodes in the media and becomes public knowledge. In the meantime, Enervit (one of the companies indicated for commissions), which says it has dealt directly without any mediation, and also the Irish Reiwa, who communicates that he has never signed any contract and does not want to sign it ever again, the Federciclismo take their distance. in a note specifies that “no contract has been signed with any intermediary and no payment has been made”. Saturday the last episode. Norma Gimondi comes to the Council to reaffirm her position but, after a quarrel with a federal councilor, she decides to leave the job in tears. The Council is suspended and the federation decides to contact the judicial authority to ascertain any responsibility for the “leak” of news (the contents of the council almost live online …).
