Federal Reserve for the first time in the third year of renting in | economy

Het stelsel van Amerikaanse centrale banks, de Federal Reserve of Fed, heeft het most important rentetarief zoals verwacht a kwart percentage point hoger gezet. Het is the first renting is in 2018, it may follow that it may still happen.

The rental rate is May 2020 at the historical level of 0 to 0.25 percent. The Fed is planning to stimulate the economy after the outbreak of the corona pandemic.

Maar de Amerikaanse economy has a strong manufacturing latency from the crisis, with a large van 5.7 percent in 2021. Intussen is de inflation aan het stijgen. It was 7.9 percent in February, the highest level in Veertig jaar, and over the whole year it was 4.3 percent. The door is the Fed, which increases the inflation rate by around 2 percent of the current rate, and now the pension is calculated. This is based on a first step to a tariff of 0.25 to 0.50 percent.

Consumptie afremmen versus economic groei

Higher rents can increase the amount of consumption in addition to the printing on the prices that can be paid. The other edge of the medal is that that weighs on the economic size. Het is dus zaak een goode balans te vinden.

The Federal Reserve says Wednesday that it “anticipates” that the future verhogingen “suitably zullen zijn” and Fed-baas Jerome Powell heeft beloofd om “wendbaar” te zijn. It will be signaled that the next renting of that year – it will not happen again – the rent will be decided upon. The central bankers mikken in doorsnee op a rentetarief van 1.9 percent and that year in van 2.8 percent in 2023.

Impact oorlog Oekraïne

De oorlog in Oekraïne “zal mogelijk extra druk creëren op de stijgende trend van de inflation and because of op de economic activiteit”, stelde de Fed nog in a personal report. The observed economic size in the VS that year will be close to 2.8 percent, whereas that was about 4 percent. In 2022 zou de groei will be 2.2 percent.

The Fed says that the following bijeenkomst een begin wordt made with the incrimpen van de balances of 8.9 billion dollars (8.1 billion euros). Details of this will not be given. Het opkoopprogramma van wardepapieren dat der deze maand will be confirmed, what is required of the economy te ondersteunen tijdens de coronacrisis.

In Europe, no one has ever met a rent increase. A long period of time will be announced in 2022, since the state intends to do so. Het zou dan wel erder aan het ade van het jaar geuren, is the watched momenteel.

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