Federal police officer back after 12 days

A police vehicle (symbol image)

A police vehicle (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance / photo booth | Photo Booth / Gelhot

By Ole Kroning and Michael Behrendt

Federal police officer Heiko Krüger had disappeared without a trace for 12 days. Now he reappeared near his Hellersdorfer apartment!

According to the police, the federal police officer at sea was recognized by a witness in Hellersdorf on Wednesday. According to a police spokeswoman, he is said to be fine.

The 57-year-old is said to have slept under a bridge for the past few days. The reasons for this are not yet known.

On Saturday, June 10, the officer left the apartment he shared with his wife on Klausdorfer Strasse to go to Cuxhaven (Lower Saxony) for work. But he never got there. He left his car with all his personal belongings in a parking lot in front of his house.

Now the relieving news that the man is back safely.


Federal Police
