Federal Office: Energy prices had risen sharply even before the Ukraine war

WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) – Energy prices in Germany had already risen sharply before the outbreak of the Ukraine war. “The uncertainties on the energy markets and the tense supply situation with natural gas prior to Russia’s attack on Ukraine have contributed to high energy price increases,” analyzed the Federal Statistical Office. The current price developments since the beginning of the war are not included in the figures published on Tuesday.

According to the information, energy prices rose sharply in February of the current year compared to the same month last year at all economic levels: Energy imported from abroad was 129.5 percent more expensive than a year earlier, domestically generated energy cost 68 percent more, consumers had to Household energy and fuels pay 22.5 percent more than in February 2021.

The Wiesbaden statisticians explained that the main reason for the high increase was the development of natural gas prices. Imported natural gas was three and a half times as expensive in February 2022 as a year earlier (up 256.5 percent), natural gas in distribution cost more than twice as much across all customer groups (up 125.4 percent).

The prices for natural gas, for example, came under pressure during the corona pandemic and rose again as the economy recovered. “In the last few months, uncertainties have arisen before Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The low level of gas storage facilities in Germany aggravated the already tense situation,” explained the Federal Office.

