Federal government governs the regulation after the “afgewaterde versie” of the “symboolmaatregel” | Inland

UPDATEThe federal government has the right to act in accordance with the law, which will result in the right to comply with the law. Persagentschap Belga negates this in regeringskringen. The Franstalige liberals of MR dreigde previous maand nog elk compromises onderuit te halen, as the linkerzijde of Vivaldi never instemde with the betogingsverbod.

The raging wilds have a great demonstration against recidivating amokmakers who talk about their behavior. Ze sloot daarover voor de zomer al een akkoord within the ministerial office and the text creeg also a big light in the Chamber Commission of Justice. PS-voorzitter Paul Magnette began in November when the part of the designer was not able to control the situation, but he was not allowed to do so in Brussels. PS-burgemeester Philippe Close. The middenveld, the vakbonden op kop, protestseerde al maanden tegen the betogingsverbod and kreeg daarbij de explicite steun van the extreme left opposition party PVDA, the large concurrent van de PS op links.

The core cabinet was lost during the week over the weekend and there were compromises. The betogingsverbod verdwijnt, confirms the Cabinet of Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt (Open Vld). The regulation “past for a watered version” of the “symboolmaatregel”, sounds like this.

Emerging criminal law

In order to ensure that the betogingsverbod will be enforced, the regering will also be brought into force in the criminal law. This is on the sea over the speedy law, which is a person who is included in a dossier that can be used in different ways. The federal regering was always carried out over the invoering of quick delivery within 10 days and 70 days in aanhouding, the word is now versneld in respectievelijk 5 and 40 days.

This means that the criminal prosecution can be carried out for people with a high level of functionality in the new criminal justice system, which is now available in the Chamber, which is not possible before the prisoner can be inspected. Naast politieagenten in functie zal also geweld tegen onder politiebeambten aan het onthaal, agents die niet in functie zijn, advocaten enRechtsdeurwaarders aanleiding geven tot two punishments.

He will also be punished twice for the protection of politics. That was only 40 days old, but the word was still there for 1 day.

Tot slot wordt a passage the stelt that the verbod on traffic belemmering has been weighed tegenover onder meer het right op staken uit het strafwetboek scraped. Over the traffic warning was again in 2020 the heel was done by the ABVV-voorzitter Thierry Bodson and 16 other ABVV-leden veroordeeld are for a blockade away tijdens a vakbondsactie.

Groen reacts tevreden

Groen-Vice-Premier Petra De Sutter is tevreden that the justelijk betogingsverbod sneuvelt. This will take place last week in the core cabinet. “We have the right to believe that we have always verdedigd,” says Vice Premier De Sutter. “Je stem laten hearen is a fundamental right in the democracy and that we must protect. (..) Canteens that cheated come to the right”.
