February 29 leap year, who celebrates

THEFebruary 29th it comes once every four years. What to do with an extra day? What should be done is to write a list. That is, planning – with a taste for detail that precedes beautiful things – that extra day of life that the leap year reserves for us. Who, having twenty-four hours more, will remember to do what you can’t do in a calendar year? I don’t know: reading another ten pages of a wonderful book, preparing Pho (typical Vietnamese national dish) for the first time and inviting four friends over, kissing non-stop taking a day off in his honor. Exactly, in honor of February 29th a list is worth making.

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February 29th, the extra day to move into summer?

Four years then and here he is again on track: a lot of waiting and many (new) controversies However. One for all: what if instead of staying at home eating Vietnamese, reading and kissing, I went to the beach? That’s more or less the meaning of it petition that Christopher Snowdonhead of Lifestyle Economics at the English Institute of Economics, he threw up Change.org. In essence, the leap year count should be taken care of – according to him – by a hypothetical (and beautiful sunny) June 31st. All above the ashes of a deceased February 29th.

This is his motivation: «Every four years we all have one more day of life thanks to the leap year system. But why have one more day in February (cold and dark) when you could have one more day in June (beautiful summer)?».

And what do those born on the 29th think?

Our Snowdon should be reminded that ongoing global warming could save him the trouble of keeping up with the petition’s signatory count which currently stands at around two hundred. A February 29th of beautiful early spring, in short, wouldn’t be so bad, right? This could be the replica of all those born on February 29th which according to Snowdon should change in the order a) zodiac sign, b) type of party (with people already going on holiday at the end of June, who would attend?), c) zodiac compatibility with spouses and professions. Finally, technically, you should change your identity (point d). In the end, what are we around the world if not our name and our date?

Of course, let’s just talk about five million people in the world, or 0.07% of the population. And the odds of being born on this day are 684 in a million. But the network in the world is dense.

Eight years ago, in Savignano sul Panaro, the first celebration of leaps and bounds who came from all over Italy was announced. On Facebook, the group born on February 29th It’s so tender in its monotony: that is, we move on from the roll call to find out who was born in the same year of birth and who, without a birthday, asks “when are you celebrating?” The answer is obvious: the 28th and the 1st, two holidays to compensate. Which then becomes three, four, the whole week: an absence compensated with an exponential presence. And never enough.

THE leapers (this is what leap year leapers are called in the Anglo-Saxon world, or rather “year jumpers” (because leap year would be the leap year for them) but they are nice: they owe the choice of the day to Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII and they count as famous colleagues by birth, names like Gioacchino Rossini and Leprotto Leprotto (or March Hare) by Lewis Carrol with his happy (not) birthday.

So dear Snowdon, think about it. Rather than messing up emotional-zodiac maps, perhaps it would be better on this February 29th to read you a few more pages of The well is worth more than time by Ginevra Lamberti (Marsilio), a perfect read that mixes climate mythology and the mythology of love, and perhaps prepare a Leap Cocktail for your friends (gin, lemon, Grand Marnier) and then you choose with whom, where and how to count the kisses (instead of the days). You know, even in February, they work on the beach. In fact, they work more: on June 31st there are too many people, on February 29th there are zero.

The advice, however, remains dispassionate: it comes from one of the five million mentioned above who will celebrate 12 years.

A special gift for those born on February 29th

To celebrate those born on this special day, ai The Style Outlets of Vicolungo and Castel Guelfo all those who celebrate their birthday every four years (but not only) they will receive a gift card worth – guess what – 29 euros, which can be collected at the Info Point and used in the hundreds of shops in the centres.

And then, with the MakeUp & Go service, those celebrating will be able to take advantage of a free make-up or skincare consultation lasting 10 minutes in the expert hands of KIKO Milano staff who will be at their complete disposal. Fashion addicts, on the other hand, will be able to visit The Style Outlets in the Triumph store in Castel Guelfo pick up a very useful clutch bag, ready for the next trip.

And the cake? In Vicolungo, those celebrating will be able to treat themselves to one complimentary breakfast from Lino’s Coffee or take advantage of the free menus designed for the occasion by Wow Art&Food. Not only that, in both centers, Lindt is ready to celebrate with a small gift with irresistible meltability while La Piadineria in Castel Guelfo and Autogrill and Rossopomodoro in Vicolungo will offer many other gifts. Happy birthday leapers!

