Feast of agriculture in 10 historic houses: what they are

Un Sunday dedicated to discovering i typical agricultural products and some between the most beautiful historic villas of our country. This is what the first edition of Let’s cultivate culture: the first Agriculture Festival in historic homesan event promoted by the youth groups of Adsi, the Association of historic houses and Confagricoltura Anga.

Feast of agriculture: the event

Ten historic houses throughout the national territory they will open their doors and will host the farms of the area. The aim will be to promote both i cultural heritage of collective interestboth i agricultural products of the territory of the Regions involved. Which will be precisely seven: Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Lazio, Puglia and Sicily.

Discovering typical products and historic houses

A journey that intends to show citizens and institutions the importance of a tourism that knows how to enhance the indissoluble link between food and territory. Of which the historic houses constitute a tourist heritage of great beauty, but also the pivot of a circular economy for the villages that host them.

In Veneto you can visit the Villa di Maser, in the province of Treviso. (Getty Images)

«The public will have the opportunity to visit courtyards, palaces, villas and gardens. And, at the same time, discover the products and the local food and wine peculiarities»Says Anna Maria Pentimalli, president of ADSI Giovani.

«The” feast of agriculture “, in fact, represents a further confirmation of how it is possible the offer of experiential tourismallowing visitors to experience the extraordinary beauty of the countryside ».

We cultivate the crop: the villas from North to South

The residences concerned are located in different Regions: in Emilia Romagna they will open their doors on Tabiano Castle And Villa Venentthe in Budrio in the province of Bologna. In Lazio, in the eastern area of ​​Frascati Villa Mergé and in Piedmont the Piovera Castle and the Tagliolo Castle. In Veneto you can visit the Maser villa, in the province of Treviso, while in Umbria the Pandolfi Elmi Palace in the center of Foligno.

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Going down to the South you will be able to discover the Ducal Palace of Alessano, a small village in the heart of the lower Salento in Puglia and the Castelnuovo Palace located in the Piana dei Colli of Palermo in Sicily.

