fcbarcelona signings|The warning from De Laurentiis to Koulibaly, Barça’s objective

05/30/2022 at 21:10


The president of Napoli, Aurelio De Laurentiis, is quite a character. During the presentation of the team’s pre-season stage in Castel di Sangro, the manager spoke about the future of Kalidou Koulibaly, which is one of FC Barcelona’s objectives to reinforce his defense. He has issued a warning, also to Mertens. “Whether they stay or not will only depend on them. They must decide if the vile currency is the only thing that can satisfy them, or if living in Naples, in a unique context, can be considered a privilege. If that is not the case, no longer.” It will be my problem,” he said.

Spalletti, the Naples coach, has already closed the exit doors for him, but the central defender wanted by the Barça club ends his contract in 2023 and does not want to renew. The Italian club is tough and asks for the player an unaffordable figure for Barça, 60 million euros.

De Laurentiis also explained that he has offered the renewal to Fabián, that like Koulibaly the contract ends in 2023, but that he still does not have an answer. “I have met with the player and his two agents, making them my proposal. They told me that they would respond in 15 days, which has not happened yet. Nobody here wants to fire anyone.”
