FC Dordrecht – MVV shut down in the final phase due to a racist incident | Football

Martens initially gave substitute N’Diaye a yellow card, because the Frenchman complained to the linesman while the ball was elsewhere on the field. N’Diaye was visibly angry and pointed to the MVV supporters who were standing behind the boarding. According to FC Dordrecht, they were guilty of “racist chants.” The 23-year-old N’Diaye walked off the field visibly emotional.

The match was stopped for a while, while Martens held consultations on the sidelines. Eventually, the players from both clubs returned to the field. The match was resumed with a throw-in, after which all players and also the referee knelt on the field, the now well-known statement against racism. Immediately afterwards Martens whistled.

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On November 17, 2019, the FC Den Bosch – Excelsior match was stopped because the Rotterdam attacker Ahmad Mendes Moreira had been racially treated by supporters of the home club. Mendes Moreira walked off the field in tears. The images went around the world and sparked a wave of protests. The players of the Dutch national team made statements about racism, the cabinet got involved and the Public Prosecution Service opened a criminal investigation.

At the beginning of 2020, the KNVB, together with the government, drew up the plan of attack ‘Our football belongs to everyone’, intended to combat racism and discrimination.
