FC Bayern | Top politician attacks club over Mazraoui post

Bayern professional Noussair Mazraoui’s pro-Palestinian post continues to spread. Now SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert is also getting involved in the debate.

SPD top politician Kevin Kühnert has taken aim at FC Bayern for the lack of reaction to FCB player Noussair Mazraou’s social media post.

“As someone who has always been associated with FC Bayern since childhood, I don’t think it is sufficient that the club of Kurt Landauer, a Jewish fellow citizen, has not yet found appropriate words about this,” he said on Monday.

Kühnert appeals to FC Bayern

“In the past, FC Bayern has repeatedly shown itself to be on the side of the Israeli cultural community in Munich and Upper Bavaria, for example, even in an intensive manner. But in my view, this commitment also includes finding clear words in terms of day-to-day politics when this is necessary and “That is expressly necessary according to the player’s statements. That is the expectation that I would like to formulate at this point,” the politician continued. “Otherwise it is not up to us in politics to decide if there are reasons for expulsion.”

CDU politicians had previously spoken out with harsh statements and demands for expulsion.

“Dear FC Bayern: please throw him out immediately. In addition, all state options should be used to expel him from Germany,” wrote Bundestag member Johannes Steiniger (CDU) on “X” (formerly Twitter).

Steininger’s parliamentary group colleague Christoph Ploß made a similar statement in the short message service: “I hope FC Bayern draws conclusions! Anyone who understands Hamas’ terrible terrorist attacks on Israel has no place in Germany!”

Mazraoui: A clip causes outrage

Mazraoui had shared a short clip on Instagram in which a voice says in the style of a prayer: “God, help our oppressed brothers in Palestine to achieve victory. May God give grace to the dead, may God heal their wounded.” A waving flag of Palestine can be seen in the picture.

In the entry from early Sunday morning, the Moroccan international wrote “Ameen” (Amen) next to an emoji with folded hands.

On Sunday evening, Mazraoui responded to the criticism he received. A statement in English said: “The point is that I strive for peace and justice in this world. This means that I will always be against all kinds of terrorism, hatred and violence.” He said he was disappointed that he had to clarify this.

In another Instagram story, Mazraoui also shared a post in which four contributions from Moroccan national players are shown, namely those of the Bayern defender himself as well as former Bundesliga player Abdelhamid Sabiri, Hakim Ziyech (Galatasaray) and Zakaria Aboukhlal (FC Toulouse).

The article claims, among other things, that the players should be silenced. “It’s literally us against the world!” they say.

FC Bayern has not yet commented on the Mazraoui case.
