FC Bayern | Matthäus on Tuchel: “Of course you’re in the tunnel every now and then”

After Thomas Tuchel’s verbal attack, Lothar Matthäus wants to end the dispute with the FC Bayern coach.

“Saturday’s matter has been forgotten for me, and also for my employer Sky. There is no rumbling and no follow-up, no hitting and no being offended,” Matthäus made clear in his “Sky” column.

Tuchel’s anger over the critical analyzes by Matthäus and Dietmar Hamann was vented in front of the camera after the Bundesliga classic at Borussia Dortmund. The Bayern coach made a few ironic remarks on the “Sky” microphone and then stopped the interview before Matthäus could answer. At the subsequent press conference, Tuchel even upped the ante.

“Thomas Tuchel reacted. Whether it was right or wrong is for others to decide and that’s not what I wanted,” emphasized Matthäus and added: “For me it’s like being a player or coach after a win or a defeat : Don’t celebrate for too long, don’t talk about it for too long, just concentrate on the next game.”

“Of course you’re in the tunnel every now and then”

Matthäus does not hold it against him that Tuchel allowed himself to be carried away with such an attack. “Of course you’re in the tunnel every now and then. So far he’s always done his interviews very well in the last few months, where not everything always went the way FC Bayern or Tuchel had imagined,” said the record national player .

Criticism is just part of the business. “Thomas Tuchel is definitely doing his best. Nobody likes to lose and Thomas is success-oriented,” noted Matthäus.

In the column, the 62-year-old explained his sharp criticism of the German record champions from the last few weeks. “At Bayern Munich the bar is set very high, and I haven’t seen a big difference in the last six or seven months compared to before,” explained the ex-professional and continued: “In several games, such as against Mainz , Copenhagen or Istanbul did not show the superiority, lightness, joy of playing and compactness as on Saturday in Dortmund.”
