FC Bayern: Joshua Kimmich’s vaccination status revealed

National player Joshua Kimmich from FC Bayern has apparently been vaccinated against the corona virus as announced.

The 27-year-old reportedly took part in a team evening in a Munich restaurant at the beginning of March, where the 2G rule applied “Image”.

In order to fulfill this, Kimmich only needed one vaccination, as he had been infected with Corona at the end of November.

It is said that there was also a long time of uncertainty in the team circle about the vaccination status of the midfielder.

FC Bayern: Big fuss about Joshua Kimmich’s vaccination status

Kimmich’s hesitance to get vaccinated with reference to possible unknown long-term effects made huge waves last fall. Even the then Chancellor Angela Merkel and numerous other politicians and athletes commented on the cause.

Kimmich, who was absent for several weeks after his corona infection due to lung problems, finally showed understanding.

“Maybe I first had to go through what I’ve gone through now. Of course, looking back, I would like to make the decision to vaccinate earlier, but at the time it wasn’t possible for me,” he said in a “ZDF” interview and announced that he would be vaccinated as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, in the discussion about his vaccination status “some limits were exceeded,” complained the superstar of FC Bayern. “I also had the feeling that there was one or the other who tried to distinguish themselves through this situation. It wasn’t always just objective criticism.”

Joshua Kimmich is absent from the national team

Kimmich is currently absent from the German national soccer team and instead trains in Munich because the birth of his third child is imminent. Should he travel to the DFB team, he would have to be tested despite his immunization status.

“Even the booster vaccination does not protect against infection,” said national team director Oliver Bierhoff about this measure.
