FC Bayern eliminates PSG and is in the quarter-finals of the Champions League

Quote from 1Love

Quote from Buerriger

Quote from Transfermagic

Quoted from adriano144

Quote from Transfermagic

Horny, horny, horny, horny and deserved. Over two games against Messi and Mbappe 0.0 Gore admitted, that’s world class. By the way, you can start collecting materials to build a statue of De Ligt. The man will shape a generation. For God’s sake I’m glad that Süle was exchanged for De Ligt, that’s worlds between the two, just in terms of mentality. With the roar after the clarification action, I finally got engaged to the man.

The first half was difficult today, but overall the attitude was right, everyone gave their all, gave their all and played for their colleagues. Can we please talk about Stanisic? The man has an attitude that is incredibly exemplary, plays little, then plays PSG and has Mbappe in his pocket without being excited. And Upamecano is absolutely world class in good form. You have to think that Luci and Benji weren’t there either today and the footballer of the year (incomprehensible to me anyway) and Kilian Mbappe didn’t do anything today, but it’s absolutely crazy.

I’m just thrilled and I’m exhausted after the first half. It was big, it was super strong, it was the Mia San Mia gene, which other German teams lack, which unfortunately will be watching in front of TV from the quarter-finals. Sorry for the dig, I would also have liked the final to be repeated at Wembley, but the bottom line is it’s a question of attitude.

Wow Bayern absolutely sovereign today and deserves more and the third Bayern fan who comments brings a side blow against BVB in addition to the joy about their own progress. The epitome of superfluous. Regardless of which club I belong to, I will probably never understand this resentment.

And it’s certainly not just because of the missing “Mia san Mia gene”. But well, here, especially after the performance, it should only be about Bayern.

Congratulations Bavaria. Get the pot

I apologized, just think it’s a shame that BVB couldn’t take this monster form with them against FC Chelsea, I think that’s a question of attitude, because BVB isn’t worse in terms of play than 10th in the Premier League. Anyway…thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for the rest of the season.

Your statement is still more than unnecessary.
Likewise your statement about Chelsea. Just because they’re currently in 10th place doesn’t really have anything to do with their class. Because in terms of playing ability, Chelsea is definitely stronger on paper than Dortmund.

The user is known for something like that. Especially when you see his “I apologized” statement, it means that he already knew when he wrote it that it was a stupid and unnecessary dig. But instead of simply changing the post, you leave it in anyway, because it’s good for BVB and also to choke on Niklas Süle.

On the topic: Bayern’s sovereign game, which primarily focused on not letting anything go. Then the two goals, so you can go far this year. PSG pretty pale, it’s now speculation how much of it is due to Bayern’s game, or whether PSG in big moments then just harms the rather weak league more than it helps.

Congratulations Bayern, good luck in the rest of the CL season

So the user is known for something like that, wonderful.

Yes, I could have left out the paragraph, yes, I should have limited myself to today’s game, everything’s ok, I see that too. It’s probably not the right article to discuss something like this, but as a fan of German football I was enormously disappointed yesterday. I really rooted for BVB.

Does anyone here really want to tell me that def BVB reached their full potential yesterday? Of course, def FC Chelsea has a mega squad and the place in the table in the PL hardly reflects the quality, but BVB also has a good squad, massive self-confidence and an incredibly strong team structure and that was just far too little yesterday in what was perhaps the most important game of the second half so far. Sorry, but you can criticize Gabze, especially when we play a day later, with less self-confidence, with a not so strong second half, against an opponent who is also extremely strong. Please don’t misunderstand me, but Dortmund has been playing a terrific second half of the season so far, why is the form curve going down so massively in a game like this.

And on the Süle discussion: I absolutely stand behind my statement, Süle is a good defender, but without his departure we would not have signed De Ligt and he is exactly the type of player that we so urgently needed, this personality, mentality and Passion was missing. That shouldn’t even be directed against Süle, it’s just his departure that made the whole thing possible in the first place and I’m very happy about that.
