FC Bayern are probably looking for a commitment from Hertha’s Noel Aseko Nkili

To make another productive post here, since I’ve been eyeing Aseko Nkili since last summer as well…

In my opinion, he should definitely stay at Hertha. Apart from the fact that FCB will have more money in monetary terms with a potential signature plus benefits, I don’t see any advantages. The training is no better in Munich’s NLZ and the U23s aren’t an argument either, as they both only play in their respective regional leagues, with the Bavarian regional league being the weakest of them all for sure.

In my opinion, by the end of the next season, if his development and performance remain the same, he could already make his first appearances in the regional league and then start making the professional squad in the summer of 2023. At least I could imagine that this is what the plan Hertha should offer him to keep him looks like. It is also clear that the path towards the professional squad at FCB is much further.

Especially since it seems that Hertha has learned a bit from the changes from Samardzic and Netz. This season Gechter, Kade, Eitschberger and Lotka made their debuts. That’s definitely going in the right direction, even if the next season with the increased permeability has to be confirmed first… both by the club and the talents.

Well, Salzburg is a different matter, but he would probably be with Liefering first. The advantage (sometimes a disadvantage) of an U23 is that he can offer himself during the week in training and in the regional league and then he gets his chance. At Liefering he is then fixed and then plays there at regional league level without any chance of sporadic appearances at Salzburg.

But well, my opinion hasn’t changed, Hertha must finally stop doing Hertha things and start exploiting the potential of the location and its own youth academy with big barrels and not with test tubes. There are so many talented street footballers and instinctive footballers like Aseko Nkili running around in Berlin, there is a LOT more going on.

In any case, I trust him to make the jump, you could also see what a dynamo he is and can be in the game in the U17-HF against Stuttgart. But of course, there is still a long way to go, hopefully it will continue in Berlin
