FC Barcelona news | Discomfort at Barça due to the schedule against Atlético de Madrid

04/04/2023 at 11:08


LaLiga set it for the day of Sant Jordi at 4:15 p.m. (CET), starting such an emblematic Diada in Catalonia

The club has not yet requested a schedule change but does not rule out doing so

Yesterday Monday, LaLiga announced the schedules for matchday 30 in the First Division, placing the match between Barça and Atlético de Madrid at the Camp Nou Spotify on Sunday, April 23, Sant Jordi, at 4:15 p.m..

This schedule has not gone down too well in Barcelona or in the club itself. The reason is none other than that the Diada de Sant Jordi, so traditional and emblematic in Catalonia, will be cut in half. It is a day that Catalans live on the street and in which roses and books are the main protagonists. In fact, the match schedule has not gone down well at the Gremi de Llibreters either.

Simeone and Xavi, in the Metropolitan


From the club, they explain that they have not yet asked LaLiga to change the schedule, but they do not rule out doing so, considering that it would be better for the game to be played at 9 p.m., once the Sant Jordi party comes to an end.. In addition, the final of the Conde de Godó tennis tournament is scheduled for noon on that same day, April 23, a tournament that is played on the courts of the Real Club de Tenis Barcelona, ​​which is relatively close to the stadium.


The schedule was announced shortly after FC Barcelona, ​​in an official statement, requested the resignation of the president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, due to information from the newspaper ‘La Vanguardia’ which said that the leader had provided false evidence to the Prosecutor in the ‘Negreira Case’, information that Tebas said does not conform to reality.
