FC Barcelona | European sub-21

On at 18:01


“What has come out is true, a couple of friends have told me about it, but I am calm,” he assured at a press conference from Romania

He did not want to go any further because “now my team is the under-21 team and I am focused on the European”

Arnau Tenas confirmed the news that Barça will not execute the unilateral option for two seasons to renew the goalkeeper. SPORT already reported on Sunday that the Barça club was not going to make use of this possibility, and this Monday, the Jijantes journalist Albert Rogé assured that the goalkeeper will not continue as a Barça player, ruling out a renegotiation of his contract and reaching an agreement with other downward conditions.

“It has come out that Barça has not executed the renewal, it is true, I can confirm it, but now my team is the selection and I am focused on this”, referring to the European under-21. It was the first response from the press conference prior to Spain-Ukraine this Tuesday (8:45 p.m.) for first place in Group B.

Tenas was also asked if he had been caught by surprise by FC Barcelona’s decision. “I don’t look at social networks much, a couple of friends have told me about it, but it’s something secondary, I’m focused on keeping a clean sheet for the national team and maintaining the level I’m giving”, insisted the goalkeeper, who hasn’t conceded neither against Romania (0-2) nor against Croatia (1-0), in a game in which it was providential for victory.

The man from Vic remained firm in his intention not to think about anything other than the European Championship, not even if his performance could be worth it for his future, nor if he could see next season in the First Division: “I only try to make a good European for my team, which is the selection, and not for me, far from it. And to give my best. I see myself right now to play a European sub-21 “, he sentenced.

Santi Denia: “I’m not worried at all about these news”

The Spanish U-21 coach, Santi Denia, was asked if the uncertainty of the future of Arnau Tenas himself and other components of La Rojita could influence the championship. The manchego was convinced that he will not harm. “It doesn’t worry me at all, I detect the commitment of the 23 players to have a great tournament and be able to get a win for Spain. I’m more than calm”were his words.
