FC Barcelona | Ansu Fati’s father is outraged: “I won’t go to the field anymore, he deserves more!”

03/29/2023 at 00:57


Bori Fati explained on the Cope chain that he has recommended the player leave Barça, but Ansu Fati does not want to leave

“As a father I’m pissed off, he took Messi’s 10 and it can’t be that he only plays one or two minutes,” he said.

Bori Fati showed the indignation he feels for the few minutes that Ansu is enjoying at FC Barcelona. The father revealed that he has recommended the player to change his scene, but “Ansu wants to continue at Barça”. The footballer, unlike Bori, does not want to listen to offers, much less from Real Madrid, according to what he pointed out on Cadena COPE. “He is very culé, he trained at La Masia. Ansu would not accept going to Madrid, I can’t put him where he doesn’t want to“, he sentenced.

His displeasure comes because “he deserves to play more minutes, it can’t be that he plays one or two per game“. Bori pointed out that “as a father I am pissed off” and that “a year ago he had offers, but he did not want to listen to them.”

The father clarified that he is not claiming ownership, but that he have a greater role. He even spoke well of Xavi, whom he described as “a good guy” and that “he understands it, when I spoke to him, he told me that the boy should strengthen his legs and he did it“. Bori went further by stating that “Xavi was our idol, we had photos of him when we were in Seville.


From his meeting with Mateu Alemany and Jordi Cruyff, Bori Fati said that “Mateu is always sincere and tells us that Ansu is Barça’s patrimony“, but that” they can say mass and they tell me that it is Xavi’s decision.

Physically, the player’s father said that “it’s super good, like a bull“. Bori was grateful that Barça have dedicated a specific plan to him and that “tohour has more speed than before“.

His words were also harsh towards Luis Enrique, the Spanish coach, and that the player “had a bad time” at the World Cup“How can it be that he didn’t even warm up against Costa Rica with the team winning 7-0.” He even claimed that “I would have preferred him not to go to the World Cup“.
