Father inhaled smoke in a fire, but saved his e-bike and cars

The Udenhouter who had to go to hospital on Saturday evening after a heavy garage fire is the father of the family that lived there. While his wife took the three children out of the house, he tried to put out the fire. When that failed, the man rescued the e-bike and two cars parked in the driveway. He inhaled the smoke.

Profile photo of Raymond Merkx

He looks sleepy this Sunday morning: the 38-year-old father of the family, who had a major fire the night before. Little was left of the garage. And the house also appears to be damaged at first glance. “We are not sleeping there for the time being.”

The man prefers not to be named. “It just sucks”, but he also says: “It’s no different.”

“Then I went into the burning garage to save my e-bike.”

The man has three children with his wife. Their youngest son and daughter were asleep when a fire broke out in the garage. “My wife woke them up and took them out of the house. They are ‘okay’. That is the most important.” In the meantime, the 38-year-old man tried to put out the fire. But without a fire extinguisher that turned out to be an impossible job.

“The fire started at my engine. I’m so bummed that it’s gone. He was three months old,” says the Udenhouter. Then he went into the burning garage to save his e-bike. “That worked. I also drove the cars from our driveway.”

“Everyone is ready to help us. I have good neighbours.”

He has to pay for those successful rescues quickly. “I inhaled smoke and therefore had to go to the hospital. Fortunately, I was allowed to go home at half past two.”

Once back in ‘his’ street De Garstvelde, it became clear that his family was not allowed to spend the night in their own home. They will be taken care of in the house of the neighbors in the near future. The man is very happy with that: “Everyone is ready to help us. I have good neighbours.”

The exact extent of the damage is unknown. It is exciting, because the house was renovated a year and a half ago. “I can’t go in yet. Hopefully we will know more soon.”
