Father Hannu Rantanen says: We want the Stanley Cup for Ascendants

Mikko Rantanen gained strength in the final series from his close circle. The support was rewarded when the season culminated in the Stanley Cup Championship.

Mikko Rantanen played a key role when the Colorado Avalanche marched towards the Stanley Cup this season. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

  • The first encounter after the championship was joyful.
  • Hannu Rantanen is proud not only of his son, but also of Artturi Lehkonen.
  • The Stanley Cup will be seen in Nousiainen, Finland.

Artturi Lehkonen shoots the Colorado Avalanche championship. Antti Mäkinen lives with a feeling of emotion. NHL on Elisa Entertainment Viaplay and v sport channels.

– This is such a moment in life that if you don’t remember this, then something is very wrong.

This sums up the championship of Colorado Avalanche Hannu Rantanenthe father of the team ‘s great hero Mikko Rantanen.

The match that resolved the championship was followed on the spot by a close circle of NHL stars for many generations. In addition to parents, siblings and grandparents also witnessed the third Stanley Cup in Colorado history in Tampa, Florida.

The encounter on the ice was joyful.

– Throwing up and hugging. He wandered through our entire family group and aired together wildly. We also got photos of us and the Stanley Cup in the home album, Hannu Rantanen says.

According to Rantanen, what my own son had just done has not yet completely sunk into his head.

– When we sit together at the barbecue in the summer at Nousiainen watching the sunset, the emotional side is sure to come along. However, this cannot be described in words.

Proud of his son

Rantanen enjoys great appreciation from teammates and fans. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

The 25-year-old Ascension again took responsibility on his strong shoulders when he was most needed. In the playoffs of the Stanley Cup, Rantanen knocked 25 (5 + 20) points in 19 matches. In the final series, the powers were 0 + 8, the most of all.

– It was a great pleasure and honor to witness this championship on the spot. I’ve been there in the past for big moments of victory. The World Championship gold of the youth and the Finnish championship of the A-junior were both great moments. But this is the biggest puck prize in the world. When your own son is involved in winning one, it stops and makes you think for a long time. Maybe in October I wake up from this dream, Father Rantanen is happy.

What kind of thoughts does the Father evoke when your own son is one of the most important players on the championship team?

– Of course it makes a good sense. I think it is a matter of professional sports in hockey. The big role has to be earned. If I have got one, it is a sign of something, I understand, Rantanen says modestly.

– All parents know that when your own child succeeds, no matter how big or small, it is sure to bring joy and pride. This is no exception.

Modesty and humility is one of Mikko Rantanen’s characteristics. It is clearly a cancellation of the upbringing, because the next moment Hannu Rantanen reminds me that hockey is a team game. There’s reason to be proud of his own son, but the praise also goes to Avs ’other blue-and-white hero.

– Of course, I am also pleased with ‘Arsin’ (Artturi Lehkonen). This is not just a victory for Colorado, but for the entire Finnish hockey team. When you get the Stanley Cup to Finland, it is a sign that things have been done right. It will definitely give fire and faith to the younger generations, Hannu Rantanen rejoices.

Celebration of the Ascension

Hannamaija and Hannu Rantanen rejoice in Mikko’s success. Vesa Parviainen

After a five-year break, the NHL championship can once again be held in the Finnish summer.

Hannu Rantanen hopes that the championship party will take place in Nousiainen.

– I can’t say anything about the schedule when I don’t know the protocol. But I hope the Stanley Cup comes to Ascension. That’s where it all came from. It’s Mikko’s birthplace, where he went to school and lived his childhood. During the ascension, he lived for big, important years.

Rantanen hopes that the event will be a happy folk festival where everyone will enjoy themselves.

– Let’s try to come up with something that will make a nice moment for the people of Ascension and why not for the people in the neighborhood.

Before that, the festivities continue on the other side of the coffin.

– From here we head to the hotel where the players live. We go there to pop in and congratulate everyone else. A little tired already weighs in, but yes, Rantanen, who gave the interview at one o’clock in the morning, ends the interview.
