Father (55) abused his daughter for years: 9 years in prison

The 55-year-old M. from Beek en Donk has to spend 9 years in prison for years of sexual abuse of his daughter and three of her girlfriends. The court ruled that on Wednesday. Two weeks ago, the Public Prosecution Service demanded six years in prison and TBS.

In July 2022, the daughter reported sexual abuse by her father to the police. Just like three girlfriends and her younger sister. But the father has always denied everything. During the hearing two weeks ago, he showed virtually no emotion and put the blame mainly on the girls themselves.

But the court believes the victims, it appears on Wednesday. The daughter has described in detail what has happened in more than ten years and the statements of the girlfriends also matched her experiences.

Abused daily
The daughter was sexually abused by her father almost every day for as long as she can remember. This happened at home at night, but also in a swimming pool in Germany, on holiday in Eersel and when the girl was sitting on her father’s lap. In addition, the father once gave his daughter a French kiss and she had to perform sexual acts on him. He did not penetrate her with his genitals, because according to the girl this was not possible.

According to the court, the abuse started in November 2008. Her mother stated that the girl was 4 years old when she saw her doing something ‘underneath’ and said that she ‘got it from daddy’. The abuse stopped when one of her sister’s girlfriends reported it in February 2018.

In a tent
M. also performed sexual acts on himself in the presence of his daughter and her girlfriend and the daughter had to demonstrate how she could satisfy herself. The man also abused a girlfriend of his youngest daughter when she was about seven years old. For example, he watched porn and satisfied himself in front of her.

In August 2015, another then 7-year-old girlfriend was staying in a tent in the garden. M. performed sexual acts on her that night.

A conspiracy
According to the court, the father has taken away a free and carefree childhood from his daughter. In addition, he similarly abused three girlfriends of his two daughters. This happened at times that should have been fun for the girls: while staying over, playing, on vacation or swimming.

If the victims indicated that they did not like something, M. did not seem to care in any way. He was mainly concerned with preventing the girls from telling an adult.

The court finds it incomprehensible that the father does not seem to see the seriousness. Illustratively, he indicates that all victims have made up the allegations, that they seek attention, have problems, plot against him, are angry with him and that their parents are also lying.

Because it is unclear how great the chance of recurrence is and the man has not been convicted before, the court cannot impose a TBS. However, the man will receive a long prison sentence of 9 years.

After his prison sentence, measures may be imposed, so that the man no longer comes close to his victims, for example. He must also pay the victims compensation of almost 35,000 euros in total.

READ ALSO: Father abused daughter and her girlfriends, demanded six years in prison and TBS
