Fatboy Slim recalls horror festival in Netflix documentary

The re-launch of the legendary Woodstock festival in 1999 was a disaster. There was no trace of the peace, love and happiness of the 1969 predecessor. There was looting, arson and vandalism. A three-part Netflix docuseries now describes the events. DJ Fatboy Slim, among others, has his say.

“I was locked in my dressing room all afternoon and people just said to me, ‘Oh, it’s a bit messy out there,’ Fatboy Slim recalled. The 59-year-old was booked as the headliner for Saturday night. Nobody told him that there had already been attacks.

Traveling with a machete

The documentary series also includes recordings of Fatboy Slim’s performance. After playing the song “Fucking In Heaven,” he noticed a van at the festival site. The car drove close to the crowd and headed towards the stage. The DJ was quickly informed that he had to end his performance.

It later turned out that the van was stolen. A stage manager recalled in the documentary that the driver was traveling with a machete and a presumably underage girl.

“I ran away”

Fatboy Slim was finally advised to leave the event as soon as possible. He can still remember the “adrenaline rush”. “I did exactly as I was told and took off.”

On the occasion of the 50th birthday, they wanted to try again in 2019. In the end, however, “Woodstock 2019” never materialized. After controversy, arguments and cancellations by artists, the festival was called off.

“Absolute Fiasco: Woodstock ’99” has been available on Netflix since August 3.
