Fatal Attack – Killer Shark caught off Hurgharda

By Tatjana Kaa and Birthe Wenge

There are disturbing video recordings circulating on social media: In the loud confusion and babble of voices, several men pull a net out of the water and into their boat. It’s obviously difficult for them. Because: In it, a huge shark is fighting the humans, trying to free itself! The tiger shark is said to be the predator that is said to have attacked and killed a young swimmer (23) just moments before.

On Thursday there was a deadly shark attack on “Dream Beach” in the tourist paradise of Hurghada: the 23-year-old was bitten by a shark just six meters from the beach. Before his father’s eyes, Vladimir Popov was still trying to reach the shore.

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There are also videos of the shark attack itself: Again and again you can hear Vladimir desperately calling for help. He yells “Dad, Daddy” and “Dad, save me”. But neither father Juri nor the other beach visitors can help him. They have to watch helplessly as Vladimir is dragged under the water, losing the fight for his life.

“It all happened very quickly, literally in 20 seconds,” the Russian media quoted the shaken father as saying. Both men wanted to relax on the beach, go swimming.

Beach was considered safe

At no time would Yuri Popov have expected a shark attack. The beach is considered safe, the brisk ship and yacht activity alone should have deterred the predator from coming so close to people.

According to Russian media, the young man from Arkhangelsk Oblast in north-west Russia is said to have moved to Egypt with his father a few months ago. Both are said to have settled in an apartment in the “British Resort” residential complex.

The Russian consulate has since confirmed the death of its citizen. Consul General Viktor Voropayev: “The victim was not a tourist, but a permanent resident of Egypt.”

In addition to the young man’s horrific death throes and footage of the tiger shark being caught, there are also videos circulating of a shark lying on land. Dozens of men stand around him, beating the animal with sticks. According to international reports, the Egyptian authorities have confirmed that they have caught the shark.

Now investigators should clarify why the tiger shark poached so close to the beach. But the result will give Yuri Popov little consolation. He wants to cremate his son as soon as possible, the burial is to take place in Russia.
