Fast internet bonus: how to request it

C.The government’s commitment to bring to the whole of Italy continues Ultra-fast internet. The arrival of a voucher of 300 euros at families of our country.

The fast internet bonus will not take into account no Isee limit.

The concessions

The purpose is to allow theactivation of network services at a download speed of at least 30 Mbps. In order to guarantee this type of service, Infratel – company managed by the Ministry of Economic Development – announced the arrival of a whole series of concessions dedicated to families.

Not just the activation of network services. The purpose is also to facilitate the provision of buildings with vertical cabling networks and of promote the dissemination of digital services like Spid, Pec and cloud.

It will start with a public consultation

What will happen? First of all it will happen a public consultation – accessible by operators in the sector but also by anyone who may be interested – on the Infratel website. In that context they will be able to exhibit opinions and requests until next May 31st. You can contact the company by sending an email to the address [email protected].

Once the consultation is complete, the program will be presented and notified to the European Commission. It will then be governed by a decree from the Ministry of Economic Development.

The proposals of the plan

Among the proposals is that of providing a voucher of 300 euros for families for the activation of services with at least 30 Mbps maximum download speed.

It would be disbursed in the form of discount on the activation price of a contract which guarantees a Nga connectivity service (Next generation accessthat is the new generation of accesses distributed over a fiber optic network that raises the transmission speed).

internet bonus


The families to which this measure will be addressed will be those resident in Italy And without connectivity services (or, in any case, below the performance to be achieved). The ISEE will not be considered. If a family already has an existing contract with at least 30 Mbps maximum download speed, they will not be able to benefit from the voucher.

At the same time, however, there is no obligation for the beneficiaries to remain bound by the contract for which you have benefited from the voucher. If you intend to change your operator, you can do so, using the remaining amount of the voucher for a new subscription.

Pnrr: for an ultra-fast connection throughout Italy

Not just fast internet bonuses. They are in fact also provided new jobs to bring ultra-fast connection in smaller islands of Lazio, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany and Sardinia.

These interventions fall within the National recovery and resilience plan (Pnrr).

