Fashion Net Düsseldorf with a new management team

At the end of the year, the association Fashion Net Düsseldorf elected a new board during the general meeting.

The new CEO is Aline Müller-Schade, Managing Director of The Supreme Group/ GmbH, who has been a member of the Executive Board for three years. In addition to Müller-Schade, Dr. Michael J. Rauterkus, Head of Economics Düsseldorf, Marc Freyberg, Managing Director Brax and Michael Schulz, Managing Director SchulzACO Agency GmbH were unanimously elected to the new board. Luca Bazzanella-Toussis, Head of Sales & Brand Manager Thomas Rath Group, who has been a member of the Management Board for two years, will remain in office. The new board thus includes representatives from the city administration, which has been supporting the association significantly since 2009, from national and international trade as well as from Düsseldorf’s showroom and trade fair landscape.

Three founding members of the association say goodbye with the new team: Klaus Brinkmann, Managing Partner of Bugatti Holding, has held the office of Chairman of the Board since 2011. Angelika Firnrohr, who has been the managing director of Fashion Net for over six years and a member of the board for 13 years, is also giving up her position and will withdraw from the association’s operative business in spring 2023. The same applies to Uwe Kerkmann, Managing Director of H2UB GmbH, who has been active in Fashion Net since the association was founded in 2009 and has worked on the Fashion Net board of directors in his former position as head of economic development from 2014.

“With her comprehensive and in-depth expertise and her incredible passion for the fashion business, Angelika Firnrohr, as a founding member, long-standing managing director and creative initiator, has set standards for the work of Fashion Net and has shaped and strengthened Düsseldorf as a fashion location in the long term. It is thanks to their commitment that we as Fashion Net are optimally positioned in both analog and digital terms and have involved all the important industry players in our work. Last but not least, she was the perfect hostess for the big Fashion Net parties. Fashion Net can continue to build on this network and the broad support of the industry for the Düsseldorf location in the future,” says the outgoing Chairman Klaus Brinkmann, Managing Partner of Bugatti Holding.

Also on the new board: (from left to right) Michael Schulz, Marc Freyberg, Luca Bazzanella-Toussis, Dr. Michael J Rauterkus. Credit: Fashion Net Dusseldorf
