Fashion jewelry retailer Bijou Brigitte corrects profit upwards

The Hamburg fashion jewelry retailer Bijou Brigitte has corrected its after-tax profit for the past year upwards by 800,000 euros to 17 million euros. The reason for this was the liquidated subsidiary Bijou Brigitte Limited based in London, whose deconsolidation had been adjusted as part of the annual audit, Bijou Brigitte fashionable accessories AG announced on Wednesday. In January, the company had already announced a five percent increase in sales to 216 million euros.

Due to the corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine, Bijou Brigitte only dared to make a very cautious forecast for the current financial year. If the corona measures end in the first half of the year and the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine do not get worse, the group expects sales of between 260 and 280 million euros. Consolidated earnings before taxes could be between zero and 15 million euros.

The consolidated financial statements and the annual financial statements for 2021 would be published on April 30, the annual general meeting is scheduled for June 21, the company said. Bijou Brigitte was hit hard by the Corona crisis in 2020: sales collapsed by almost 39 percent to almost 205 million euros. The bottom line was a deficit of around 31 million euros after a surplus of 25.4 million euros in 2019.

The company explained the turnaround in results in 2021 on the one hand with increasing corona easing and corresponding opening steps in retail. On the other hand, a state bridging aid of 20.4 million euros was paid out in December 2021. (dpa)
