Fashion designer Harald Glööckler moves back to Berlin

Harald Glööckler at the presentation of the exclusive box spring bed collection by Harald Glööckler in cooperation with the traditional company femira at Möbel Schulenburg.  Halstenbek, 04.11.2017 |  usage worldwide

Harald Gloöckler Photo: Uwe Geisler

From BZ/dpa

This move is not easy for Harald Glööckler. Over the past few days, the dazzling fashion designer has had opulent furniture and other interior items removed from his previous domicile in the Palatinate.

Because: Herr Glööckler is leaving romantic Kirchheim and moving to vibrant Berlin. “I need the energy of the big city,” says the TV celebrity. The sentence echoes in the large, bare room. The “Chateau Pompöös” looks like an empty castle. In it, Glööckler sits on one of the last chairs. The rest is already gone. In Berlin. Kiez instead of Kirchheim.

The cult designer actually wanted to stay in the Palatinate for “an eternity” after moving from Berlin in 2015, which surprised many. Eternity lasted eight years. “If you’re no longer happy, you have to let go – even of things that you thought would last forever,” says Glööckler. He lived in the twelve-room house with his husband Dieter Schroth. The divorce is currently in progress. “The house is too big for just one person,” says the 58-year-old. “It wasn’t forever in the end, but it was nice. Moving is not easy for me.”

In view of the interior, this applies twice. A table that was too long for the elevator in Berlin had to be lifted into the new apartment using a crane. The huge paintings traveled up between the stairs on ropes. But no apartment is as big as a house. “I’ll store part of it, I’ll sell another part.” Glööckler, who was born in Maulbronn (Baden-Württemberg), endures the hardship of the change of location with demonstrative equanimity. “I’ve moved so many times – all of a sudden it doesn’t matter.”

In Kirchheim, Glööckler had greenery in front of his door, he could see vineyards from some of the windows. In Berlin he wants to experience more glamor with his little dog Billy King in the future. It is to be expected that he will let the public participate.


Berlin celebrities Harald Glööckler Mode Panorama
