Farmers refuse to talk to Remkes: ‘No sign of movement at the cabinet’ | Inland

Mediator Remkes had asked whether the eight agricultural organizations would like to sit down on Wednesday morning for consultations with the cabinet. But although Minister Van der Wal has reportedly done ‘homework’, it is still completely unclear to the farmers’ organizations whether the cabinet wants to make any rapprochement with the farmers.

That is not enough for the agricultural organisations, including Agractie, FDF and the Dutch Dairy Farmers’ Union. “We see no indication in this invitation or in any other way by the cabinet to really move on points that are crucial for us,” writes chairman Bart-Jan Oplaat of the Dutch Trade Union for Poultry Farmers to Remkes.


It means that the stalemate between the cabinet and the agricultural sector will continue. Remkes was appointed when fierce farmers’ protests broke out at the beginning of this summer after the publication of the nitrogen map by Minister Van der Wal. Prime Minister Rutte later assessed the card as ‘twitch’, but there is nevertheless no question of a rapprochement by the cabinet.

Farmers’ organizations only want to talk if the government is prepared to negotiate the politically chosen deadline of 2030, about the use of innovations, about the approximately three thousand PAS detectors and about the shortcomings of the currently applied models and instruments such as Aerius and the critical deposition value. .

“These are hard preconditions for a conversation,” said LTO chairman Sjaak van der Tak. A spokesperson for mediator Remkes emphasizes that everything can be discussed as far as the VVD celebrity is concerned. Should Remkes’s mediation attempt fail, there is a chance that farmers’ protests will break out again.
