Farmers protest in various places, car tires set on fire

1/7 Peasant protest in Helvoirt

In Helvoirt, Berkel-Enschot, Moergestel and Biezenmortel, farmers protested against the nitrogen policy on Wednesday evening. The protests were accompanied by fires in some places. For example, a mountain of car tires was on fire along the A58 near Moergestel. The fire service has now brought the fire under control. Along N65, hay bales were set on fire near Biezenmortel and Udenhout by protesting farmers.

Profile photo of Corné Verschuren
Written by

Corne Verschuren

In Helvoirt, the demonstration is a lot quieter. About 25 to 30 tractors are located in the vicinity of Torenstraat and Molenstraat. The tractors are set up next to the road and are covered with banners and flags. The police are also present there to steer the demonstration in the right direction.

Protesting farmers took to the road earlier this week. For example, a group of about 25 farmers received a ticket on Monday after they hit the road with tractors. At the Moerdijk Bridge, farmer Richard campaigned on his own that day by protesting while dancing and singing. The AH distribution center was also shut down on Monday.

Photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision
Photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision

Photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision
Photo: Toby de Kort/SQ Vision

Many farmers at protest in Helvoirt (Photo: Bart Meesters/SQ Vision)
Many farmers at protest in Helvoirt (Photo: Bart Meesters/SQ Vision)

Much enthusiasm for farmers' protest in Helvoirt (Photo: Bart Meesters/SQ Vision)
Much enthusiasm for farmers’ protest in Helvoirt (Photo: Bart Meesters/SQ Vision)
