Farmers protest in Stroe | New corona wave | NOW

On our reaction platform NUjij, visitors can discuss the news and ask the editors questions. We receive tens of thousands of responses every week. In this weekly column we list the best contributions and discussions.

Farmers protest against nitrogen measures

From all over the country, thousands of farmers on tractors came to the Gelderland village of Stroe to protest against the nitrogen measures. The opinions on our reaction platform NUjij were strongly divided; although there was a lot of sympathy for the farmers, there were also many readers who were critical of the protest. So is Sebastian.

“We have 17.4 million inhabitants in the Netherlands, of which 54,000 farmers. However, they occupy 53 percent of the available land, compared to 14 percent for nature and 13 percent for buildings. And all this for a sector that is primarily responsible for only 1.4 percent of our gnp (gross national product, ed.). By comparison, our relatively small cultural sector quickly accounts for 1.9 percent of our gnp.”

“Thanks to the agricultural sector, we also have the worst surface water in Europe, nitrogen emissions four times higher than the European average and a green monotonous grassland where many native plants and animals no longer stand a chance to survive.”

“We used to have coal mines in the Netherlands, but at a certain point that was no longer tenable. Given the many negative consequences, our small country cannot supply the amount of farmers, but mainly the amount of livestock. We supply food for the around the world, but all local environmental impacts stay with us.”

Nevertheless, the nitrogen problem cannot be entirely left to the farmers, says Inge_Posch. The role of the Ministry of Agriculture should also be critically examined.

“For years they have urged farmers to ‘intensify’, resulting in high nitrogen emissions and the destruction of soil and insect life on the agricultural plots. The decline of our meadow birds is largely due to the policy that the farmer is committed to. have to participate in order to keep their heads above water.”

“Now, as a thank you for listening to the ministry, those farmers are getting a kick.”

“It is a fact that the nitrogen crisis must be solved, but that can and must be done differently. How exactly? No idea, I don’t have a monopoly on wisdom. But we are all responsible for it and we will so we all have to solve it together! Not just the farmers.”

New corona wave in the Netherlands

Corona was in the news again this week. People over sixty are called for a second time for their booster shot, many self-tests are sold and the number of positive tests continues to rise. In short: the new corona wave has started, says the RIVM.

Vigorous discussions and polarization between vaccinated and unvaccinated are lurking. Reader Wats calls on us to remain respectful to each other:

“Do we live here in a free country? Why do people say that we should stop vaccinating? Everyone has the right to dispose of their own body and therefore also has the free right to choose whether or not to vaccinate. Having to stop vaccination is just as much compulsion as having everyone vaccinated.”

“The government has every right to ask people to be vaccinated. People have every right not to be vaccinated. Pros and cons can be spoken, but that is different from coercing and harassing…”

“Forcing by the government is against the constitution and does not happen. I find the tyranny of opponents undemocratic. I have been vaccinated and boosted. I know people who are not and I respect their decision. They have thought it through carefully. whether you want to be vaccinated or not: have a little respect for others.”

The best NUjij responses are selected based on the number of people who click on the ‘respect’ button and substantive substantiation. The comments are not selected by political affiliation – we do, however, try to make a balanced selection.
