Farmers object to increased ‘goose tax’: “Feels like theft”

Dozens of farmers in North Holland are protesting today against the so-called ‘goose tax’. They have difficulty with the measure, which ensures that the deductible in case of damage by geese is increased. Ingrid de Sain from Schellinkhout is one of the victims. “It feels a bit like theft.”

Geese cause a lot of nuisance – NH Nieuws

The new policy was introduced by the Province of Noord-Holland last May. Since then, farmers no longer pay 5 percent, but 20 percent deductible for goose damage.

The damages were already rising with some up to 100,000 euros. The objections that have now been submitted relate to compensation applications that farmers made last summer. “About 65 North Holland farmers have objected,” says a spokesperson for BIJ12, the organization that is responsible for implementing the scheme.

lure geese

“Due to years of lack of decisive policy, a veritable goose plague has arisen. This is harmful to both nature and food production,” says Jack Rijlaarsdam of Boeren in Actie Noord-Holland.

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Boeren in Actie does not agree with the new policy. And the increase is not the only thing that bothers farmers. “Combating the nuisance of geese is frustrated by the lack of permits and an inexplicable period of winter rest (the period during which no measures may be taken against geese, ed.).”

winter rest

In addition to shortening the winter dormancy and faster procedures for granting hunting permits, they would like to be able to lure geese. Now you can only shoot geese when they are flying, which makes it less accurate to shoot. This results in half-tipsy geese, which fly on with pieces of bullets in their skin. “It doesn’t sound very nice, but by luring them on the ground you prevent this animal suffering,” says Rijlaarsdam.

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Ingrid chases the geese several times a day, with the quad – NH Nieuws/Michiel Baas

For cattle farmer Ingrid de Sain from Schellinkhout, the new scheme feels like theft. “Last year we had a summer damage of 4,000 euros and a winter damage of between 13 and 14 thousand euros. Then they say: ‘We have to encourage farmers more to start chasing geese away.’ But driving out is shifting the problem. Because then the damage will be passed on to someone else. A solution has to be found to reduce the population. We have grassland, but if you grow potatoes or sugar beet, it will cost you your harvest.”

Chase by quad

Every day she and her husband Gerard spend one and a half to two hours chasing the geese, often by quad. “We go into the country several times in the evening, in the hope that they will not settle in your country at night. That sometimes drives you crazy.”

Today a hearing will be held at De Zoete Inval in Haarlemmerliede, during which the farmers will explain their objections orally to employees of BIJ12. According to the spokesperson for the organization, this concerns 39 farmers. “After the hearing, BIJ12 will make a written decision in all cases.”

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