Farmers must be better involved in nature and agricultural plans

Farmers and residents must be given a permanent place at the table when it comes to major agricultural, nature and nitrogen plans. These will all soon come together in the Drenthe Rural Area Plan (DLPG). Because the “current representation of residents and farmers” when making plans is “not always in balance”, according to the Boer Citizen Movement.

Farmers and residents within an appropriate radius of an area for which there are plans must be actively approached by the province to provide input, so that area representatives can be appointed who participate in the process as full discussion partners, the BBB wants. In this way, sufficient support for plans can be obtained.

The party received support from two-thirds of the members of the provincial council for this approach.

“Major tasks are being asked of agriculture, while no prospects can be offered to farmers. The tasks that the government is bringing together in the National Rural Area Plan and the DLPG have a major impact on the right to exist and ownership of agriculture” , according to BBB faction chairman Gert-Jan Schuinder. That is why he believes they should get a better position at the table.

“Farmers must also have the choice to carry out nature maintenance and there must be a good revenue model,” says Schuinder.
