Farmers from several federal states demonstrate in Magdeburg

MAGDEBURG (dpa-AFX) – Under the motto “Too much is too much”, hundreds of farmers and foresters from several federal states protested against the federal government’s budget policy in Magdeburg on Sunday afternoon. Many demonstrators drove tractors to Magdeburg Cathedral Square, honking loudly. Signs and banners read, among other things: “Don’t let the traffic light madness happen on the backs of the farmers” and “Political crap doesn’t fertilize.” According to the police, the number of participants was around 900 people; 5,000 were registered. The officials counted almost 200 tractors and trucks.

Martin Dippe, President of the Saxony-Anhalt Farmers’ Association, said that farmers are not just concerned with their own concerns, but with the interests of the middle of society. The government must change course away from further burdens. The protests are unlikely to fizzle out.

Farmers across the country have been taking to the streets for weeks, partly because of the planned abolition of tax relief for agricultural diesel in several steps. However, the federal government had previously withdrawn even more extensive plans. Farmers also criticize lower subsidies from Brussels, the increase in truck tolls and bureaucratic hurdles. Several farmers’ organizations called for the demonstration./dh/DP/jha
