Farmers Defense Force wants to block highways and go home more often

Farmers Defense Force (FDF) plans to take strong action against the cabinet’s new nitrogen plans. This includes ‘shutting down the food supply with a delivery stop and blocking highways in Natura 2000 areas’. That is what FDF leader Mark van den Oever says in an interview with de Volkskrant. According to him, Schiphol is also possible. “We’re building it up and going until it’s finished.”

Earlier, Van den Oever called the protest of dozens of farmers last Friday at the home of Minister Christianne van der Wal (Nitrogen) a ‘top action’. He does not rule out that this will happen more often, despite the fierce criticism that came from political The Hague. But with much more. He emphasizes in the newspaper that they ‘have not been afraid’.

‘They’re pussys’
He has no pity for the minister’s children, who, according to Van der Wal, ‘were shaking inside’ during the protest. When asked what he thinks when he hears the minister say that, he answers: ‘that they are pussy’. Nor does the FDF leader think such an action goes too far. According to him, ‘the half hour that Van der Wal had a few farmers on the doorstep is disproportionate to what she herself does to all those farming families’.

According to Van den Oever, the campaigns will only stop ‘if all this nonsense about nitrogen stops for once’.

Big consequences
Minister Van der Wal announced last week that nitrogen emissions must be significantly reduced so that nature can recover. This has major consequences for farmers. According to the government’s objectives, emissions in Noord-Brabant, the Gelderse Vallei and Limburg must be reduced by more than half.

ALSO READ: Block farmers and tractors on the highway: this is what the protest looked like
