Farmers block the A7 in both directions as a protest against European measures

Farmers blocked the A7 this evening. Earlier in the evening, the group gathered in Westzaan, after which they drove through Wijdewormer to Zuidoostbeemster. From there they blocked the A7 in both directions. The farmers carry a pamphlet with eight points on it. The ANWB website states that the highway near Hoorn is closed.

Photo: Inter Visual Studio

The pamphlet that the farmers carry with them contains their views, number one being the rollback of the Green Deal. Farmers are also dissatisfied with rules on fertilization and buffer strips, or cultivation-free zones. According to a farmer present, the atmosphere of the protest is good. “There are about 100 of us here.”

A police spokesperson said officers are on site. “We have scaled up reasonably well. But the farmers have now started moving slowly.” Around 10:45 p.m., the spokesperson says that the highway is slowly becoming empty.

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Farmers’ protest Hoorn – NH News

According to Ad Baltus of the Farmer Citizen Movement, who is not involved in this protest, farmers are being squeezed by regulations. “I just see a pattern emerging. If the government can’t do it one way, they make it difficult for us in another way. I see it happening and I understand it. When the water is on your lips, then you go to do things.”

Photo: Inter Visual Studio

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