Farmers’ association signals willingness to compromise on agricultural diesel

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The German Farmers’ Association (DBV) has signaled its willingness to reach agreement in the dispute over tax exemption for agricultural diesel and does not want to insist on receiving the full subsidy. “We are willing to compromise if, in return for increased fuel costs, there are real reliefs elsewhere,” said DBV General Secretary Bernhard Krüsken to “Welt am Sonntag.” “We don’t want to pretend to our members that whoever shouts loudest has the best hearing finds.”

The Union faction in the Bundestag is calling for a quick agreement. “It is advisable to accommodate the farmers now – not only for reasons of content, but also to remove the basis for any radicalization tendencies of individuals who do not represent the broad mass of the peacefully protesting peasantry,” said deputy Union parliamentary group leader Steffen Bilger. Any possible compromise must be discussed with the farmers, otherwise it will fail to achieve its goal./hgo/DP/mis
