Farmers’ action groups: government can stop actions

Farmers’ action groups Farmers Defense Force (FDF) and Agractie say the government can stop the new farmers’ actions on and around highways by adjusting nitrogen plans. “We don’t like the actions either, so the government has to start moving now,” responds Erik Luiten of Agractie.

FDF chairman Mark van den Oever also thinks it is time for the government to take action. “Because you notice that the farmers are no longer taking it, and that the actions are escalating further. The government must immediately end the actions by removing the nitrogen letter from the table.”

Hay bales, manure heaps and car tires were dumped on several highways in the country last night. In some places there is also asbestos among the rubbish. On the A7 between Groningen and Drachten, an accident involving several vehicles happened last night due to waste dumping. No one was injured. “Accidents can of course never be justified,” Van den Oever responds. “But as long as it’s a little bit of damage to the tin, I don’t mind.”


Incidentally, FDF and Agractie say they were not involved in the action themselves. “We understand the frustration with many farmers and that they express it. But we only call for demonstrations within the limits of the law,” said Luiten van Agractie.

General chairman of agricultural and horticultural organization LTO Noord, Dirk Bruins, disapproves of the new actions on the highways. “I am also extremely angry and disappointed in how this cabinet is tackling nitrogen policy,” he reports on Twitter. “We are addressing politicians and campaigning for attention. But what happened today is not possible. Those who dumped rubbish on the highway today: take your responsibility!”

Recently, there have been more actions against the government’s nitrogen policy. This has determined that nitrogen emissions around nature reserves must be drastically reduced. The provinces have yet to work out how this should be done.
