Farmer Evert from Ruinerwold faces competition from his brother Koop: ‘Always go one step further!’ † Farmer seeks wife

Farmer Evert and his wives at the start of the guest week. From left to right we see presenter Yvon, Maud, Evert, Nans and Cora. Photo: Linelle Deunk

The farmers of Boer seeks wife have returned to their farms, but this time with three men or women. The stay week has started. At farmer Evert (58) from Ruinerwold things are going a little differently than planned, because his brother had an accident. As a result, Evert has to take over his duties on the farm and there is stress everywhere. Does he have time to get to know his guests better, or does brother Koop run off with the ladies?

The reverse is the case with Hans (69). Peace, cleanliness and regularity is the motto on his farm. When in doubt, the women can always check the house rules. Gallant Hans strikes again : he scores points with the flowers he placed in each guest room. Panic with the WiFi code, how does that work again? One of Hans’ daughters is flown in to rescue.

Flirting lesson with Wendy

Mixed messages from Gelderland at farmer Rob (52). At the beginning of the episode, everything seemed in order. The sultry Wendy pulled out an arsenal of flirting techniques, with the icing on the cake: ,,I can bend over very well, huh.” Don’t worry, this was about picking fruit. But the first cracks have appeared. Rob talks happily and enthusiastically – while enjoying an Albert Heijn smoothie, but forgets to ask his ladies questions. This is not appreciated. Next episode there is another moment of choice, but if he is not careful, the women run away and there is nothing left to choose.

Love goes through the stomach, seems to be the common opinion among all candidates. At dinner, everyone does their best to put something tasty on the table, but that doesn’t always go well. After a struggle with the oven, Evert conjures up a delicious lasagna on the table, albeit cobbled together by his sister. He is clearly not a kitchen prince. No problem, Maud thinks: ,,I’m not a quiver myself either.”

Janine struggles with all that attention

A sun-tanned Janine (32) has just returned from a relaxing week on Curaçao. She needed that with all those nerves. Tonight she told Yvon why she finds dating so difficult: ,,I was very hurt in a previous relationship. Actually, I would rather run away now, but I can’t this time.” Nothing could be further from the truth, with three men in your house. That’s not nothing either.

For the time being, Evert is still doing well with the women. They help him with the milking of the cows and chat about it. Cora is strategic and bets on both brothers: ,,Always go the extra mile!” And Buy? It eventually drips off, onto his socks. At the end of the day he goes to another shelter to recover from his accident. That is one less worry for Evert. Next week we’ll see which woman has to leave the farm early.
