Farm has early spring with birth wave: “Thirteen lambs born”

Although the weather outside can still feel bleak and cold and it sometimes even snows, it is early spring in Velsen-Zuid. In the middle of Spaarnwoude Park at Farm Zorgvrij, countless animals have been born in recent days. Thirteen lambs and a dozen chicks. In addition, there are two piglets and two rabbits to admire.

According to hostess Ellen Uitendaal, it is busy at the stable. She has seen a lot of people take the trouble to see all the new animals lately. “It was very busy during the spring break. Everyone wanted to see the new animals. It’s nice this early in the year.”


Farmer Klaas has been taking care of the animals for 35 years, but he is also very busy with all the acquisitions. “It’s every year, but it’s still nice to see all that new life. A sheep gave birth to triplets. She has two teats, but for now we don’t have to feed any lambs.”

Farm Zorgvrij is accessible to everyone in Velsen-Zuid and can be visited free of charge.

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