Farewell to Giuseppe Cairo – La Gazzetta dello Sport

The parish priest’s words at his homily: “Among his passions were cycling and Turin”

There is a lot of grenade, a lot of Toro, but obviously not only that, to give the last farewell to Giuseppe Cairo, Urbano’s father and vice president of the club, who died on Tuesday at his home in Abazia di Masio at the age of 90. Behind the altar of the Regina degli Apostoli parish church take place the children of the football school and the older boys of the youth, all in uniform.

Next to the Turin banner is that of Alexandria, the club in which Giuseppe Cairo had played in the role of center forward as a young man. And then here are today’s Toro players, Alessandro Buongiorno, and yesterday, Claudio Sala, legendary Scudetto captain, with Moreno Longo (who was also a coach) plus a technician much loved by the fans, Gian Piero Ventura. The agents of Singo (Nana) and Bremer (Paolo Busardò) also arrive, in the company of the dean of our prosecutors, Giovanni Branchini: all linked to Urbano Cairo by mutual esteem before market operations.

Senior executives

There is no shortage of those Turin managers who in the past accompanied the president Urbano for a long time, namely Antonio Comi and Massimo Bava, and of course those who are at the helm today appear, namely the technical director Davide Vagnati, Ruggero Ludergnani and Emiliano Moretti. Among the many fellow villagers of Mr. Giuseppe, as he simply loved to be called, there are well-known faces such as the actor Massimo Boldi (longtime friend of the Cairo family), Massimo Giletti and Evelina Christillin, who is now part of the FIFA board. For the business world, here is Diego Della Valle, shareholder of Rcs MediaGroup. With him other members of the Rcs Board of Directors, all the top management from Alessandro Bompieri to Francesco Carione to Uberto Fornara, as well as the director of Gazzetta dello Sport, Stefano Barigelli, that of Corriere della Sera, Luciano Fontana. And then Carlo Verdelli, who directs the weekly Oggi and the other directors of the group’s newspapers. There is the summit of La7 with the managing director Marco Ghigliani and the director Andrea Salerno. Among those present also Marco Durante, owner of LaPresse.


The church of Abazia di Masio, despite being very welcoming, cannot accommodate all those present among the pews. The oration of Don Carlo Franco, the parish priest, underlines the humanity and elegance of the vice president of Toro. “Giuseppe Cairo was a serious and generous man, capable of establishing himself professionally by working with tenacity and profit, so as to achieve excellent results. Among his sporting passions there was also cycling, but having played football, he followed Turin. with particular diligence, with pleasure and competence. A simple person, he loved this country of ours, he felt well among us. And he was always ready to help us. I remember, for example, his observations, his suggestions for keeping the church in order , improve it. Together with his beloved wife Maria Giulia he gave birth to a great family and now we must be sure that they have found themselves up there, husband and wife, as our Lord Jesus told us “.


Then the Mass ends and we find ourselves in the churchyard. Urbano Cairo and the brothers Roberto, Isabella and Laura are again overwhelmed by the many friends who are keen to testify to their closeness, their affection and their condolences. Because when a much loved parent disappears, even if ninety years old, the tear is always felt very strong.
